April 17, 2012 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Opening
1.A. Meeting Called to Order
2. Pledge, Prayer, Presentations and Open Forum
2.A. Pledge of Allegiance
2.B. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
2.B.1. "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible."
2.C. Opening Prayer
2.D. Student Speaker on Character Education Trait for April - Self-Discipline
2.E. Introduction of Representatives from the Superintendent's Student Advisory Council
2.F. Presentation of Award to Bastrop High School Teacher Leona Jones by the Texas Association for the Humanities
2.G. Recognition of Mina Elementary Teacher Brenda Gravitt for being Selected Horace Mann Abraham Lincoln Fellow
2.H. Recognition of Bastrop ISD Secondary UIL Winners
2.I. Open Forum
3. Superintendent's Report and Board Discussion
3.A. Curriculum Report
3.A.1. iMovie Projects
Jaime Williams
3.B. Financial Report - Attachment A
3.B.1. Delinquent Tax Report
3.B.2. Budget Update
Sandra Callahan
3.C. Personnel Report
3.D. Operations Report
3.D.1. Presentation Regarding Storm Water Detention Concerns
Michael Smith
3.D.2. Real Property Lease - Paige Property
Henry Gideon
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Consider Approval of Minutes of March 20 & 27 and April 3, 2012
4.B. Consider Approval of Bids
4.B.1. Maintenance, Repair & Operations Retail Vendor Merchandise and Services#2010-10 Renewal
4.B.2. Bat Removal & Exclusion #2010-14 Renewal
4.B.3. Security, Fire and Elevator Alarm Monitoring Service #2012-06
4.C. Consider Approval of Designated Contract Renewal and Resignation Days
4.D. Consider Approval of Superintendent Evaluation Instrument
4.E. Consider Approval of Additional Qualified PDAS Appraiser
5. Action Items
5.A. Consider Approval of Petermann Contract Assignment to GoldStar Transit
Henry Gideon
5.B. Review and Consider Approval of Multi-Year Financing Proposal for Technology Equipment Purchase
Sandra Callahan
6. Information Items
6.A. District Wide Calendar
6.B. Enrollment
6.C. First Reading of TASB Policy Update 93
7. Adjournment