October 3, 2011 at 10:30 AM - Special
Minutes |
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Consider Approval of Compensation for Employees as a Result of the Reduction of Four Days of Service Due to the Union Chapel Fire and the Bastrop Complex Fire
Barry Edwards
3. Consider Approval of Application for Missed Instructional Days for 2011-2012 School Year Due to the Union Chapel Fire and Bastrop Complex Fire
Jane Pollard
4. Consider Approval of Modification of the 2011-12 School Calendar to Make-Up a Portion of the Instructional Time Lost Due to the Union Chapel and Bastrop Complex Fire
Jane Pollard
5. Discussion Regarding Dress Code Concern
6. Closed Session
6.A. Personnel Matters (551.074)
6.A.1. Superintendent Performance Goals / Evaluation Tool
6.A.2. Board Performance
7. Action Resulting from Closed Session
8. Consider Approval of Reform Governance in Action Participation Resolution
Ty McDonald
9. Adjournment