July 21, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Meeting Call To Order
1.A. Open Meeting Notice
2. Opening Ceremony
3. Child Nutrition District Effectiveness Report (DER)
4. Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC) District Effectiveness Report (DER)
5. Public Comment Regarding Items on the Agenda
5.A. Address the board-Policy BED(LOCAL)
6. Public Comment Regarding Items Not on the Agenda
6.A. Address the board-Policy BED(LOCAL)
7. Consent Agenda Items
7.A. Approve minutes of the Workshop and Regular Meeting on June 13, 2022 and the Special Meeting on June 28, 2022
7.B. Review monthly financial reports
7.C. Review personnel actions delegated to the Superintendent
7.D. Review 2022-2023 Student Code of Conduct
7.E. Review 2022-2023 Student Handbook
7.F. Review 2022-2023 Employee Handbook
7.G. Approve 2022-2023 T-PESS Timeline
7.H. Approve the professional development plan for 2022-2023 school year
7.I. Accept donation of up to $17,000 from Priddy Foundation for Opera and Arts Study
7.J. Approve renewal of annual contracts
7.J.1. Walsh Gallegos
7.J.2. Wichita County JJAEP
7.K. Call a Public Hearing on August 18, 2022 to discuss the proposed tax rate for 2022-2023
8. Items Withdrawn from the Consent Agenda
9. New Business
9.A. Consider and take possible action to authorize the sale of property, described as: an approximate 11.42-acres out of the P. Corrigan Survey, A-445, Wichita County, Texas, and authorizing the Superintendent to obtain an appraisal of the property and post notice of the District's intent to sell such property in accordance with Section 272.001(a) of the Texas Local Government Code, to receive and open sealed proposals, and to present said proposals to the Board of Trustees for acceptance or rejection
9.B. Consider and take possible action to authorize the Superintendent to request bids in relation to the installation of HVAC in Middle School main gym and small gym
9.C. Consider and take possible action to approve moving the remaining funds of the maintenance tax note in the amount of $666,983 to the current year's budget to complete the stadium bleacher project
9.D. Consider and take possible action to designate the firm of Bundy, Young, Sims and Potter as the district's architectural consultants
9.E. Policy Update 119 First Reading affecting local policies CPC(LOCAL): Office Management - Records Management; DMA(LOCAL): Professional Development - Required Staff Development; EHAA(LOCAL): Basic Instructional Program - Required Instruction (All Levels); EHB(LOCAL): Curriculum Design - Special Programs; EHBAA(LOCAL): Special Education - Identification, Evaluation, and Eligibility; EHBB(LOCAL): Special Programs - Gifted and Talented Students; EIF(LOCAL): Academic Achievement - Graduation; FFBA(LOCAL): Crisis Intervention - Trauma-Informed Care; FFH(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
10. Board of Trustee's Report
11. Superintendent's Report
11.A. District
11.B. Community
12. Closed Session-If discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in a closed meeting, the board will conduct a closed meting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapters D and E or Texas Government Code sesion 418.183(f). Before any closed meeting is convened, the presiding officer will publicly identify the section or sections of the Act authorizing the closed meeting. All final votes, actions, or decisions will be taken in open meeting. [See TASB Policy BEC(LEGAL)].
12.A. Review Administrator Goals
13. Open Session
14. Closing Meeting
14.A. Adjourn