November 13, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Notice of Open Meeting Act - Posted
3. Motion to excuse absent board members
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Approval of the agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6. Consent Agenda
6.1. Hold for discussion and for possible action approval of the following items:
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6.1.1. Minutes of prior meeting(s)
6.1.2. Treasurer's report
6.1.3. Receipts
6.1.4. Expenditures
6.1.5. Claims for payment
7. Public Forum: Recognition of visitors, delegations, and reading of communications.
Mr. Kraus recognized that our FFA chapter was awarded a $2,500 grant from NIFA Governor's Ag Excellence Award, and the E-M-F football team advanced to the semifinals of the state football playoffs. Brian Arp received the Nebraska Art Teachers Association ESU East Region Award at workshop in Kearney. We hosted Pioneer Conference Vocal Clinic, and two students, Danielle Klenke and Caleb Jensen, are performing at All-State Choir this week.
7.1. Garland Roof presentation
Mr. Chris Wall with the Garland Company presented his findings after reviewing the condition of the roof. Blister repairs are not holding up as desired. He would recommend not continuing with the preventive coating plan, but instead repairing issues as they occur.
8. Reports
8.1. Committee:
No committees met
8.2. Administration
8.2.1. Principal's Report
A number of safety and security items were addressed this month. Mrs. Stutzman took several 4-6th grade students to a Student Leadership Conference at Doane. We hosted a Veterans Day breakfast and program on Monday.
8.2.2. Superintendent
NASB State Education Conference is this week. We received trial equipment for a new intercom system, and it was evaluated. We will continue to pursue other options. New lighting was installed in north gym today. Mr. Kraus is pursuing doing perceptual survey of student, staff and community members. The first draft of 2019-20 school calendar has been created in cooperation with Exeter-Milligan. We were notified that we met Maintenance of Effort on SPED spending for the 2016-17 school year. FPS Foundation met last week. Mini-grants were awarded to five teachers, and four $750 scholarships were awarded to college sophomores. The Foundation also donated $2,000 towards the Blue Ribbon Meat Program.
8.2.3. Strategic Plan update
Mr. Kraus and Mrs. Stutzman presented on the status of the 2018-19 Strategic Plan.
9. Action Items
10. Discussion Items
10.1. Possible Softball Coop with Fillmore Central and Exeter-Milligan
Mr. Kraus was contacted by Fillmore Central principal on possibility of joining their softball co-op, along with Exeter-Milligan. Mr. Kraus will follow up with Fillmore Central personnel.
10.2. Superintendent Evaluation time frame
Mr. Segner would like the online evaluation survey to be distributed to board members on November 19, and to meet as a board on Monday, December 3, at 6:30pm to discuss the compilation of the evaluation.
11. Adjournment- Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting is December 10th, 2018 at 6:30 P.M.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.