August 10, 2020 at 7:40 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Notice of Open Meeting Act - Posted
3. Motion to excuse absent board members
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Approval of the agenda
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6. Consent Agenda
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6.1. Hold for discussion and for possible action approval of the following items:
6.1.1. Minutes of prior meeting(s)
6.1.2. Treasurer's report
6.1.3. Receipts
6.1.4. Expenditures
6.1.5. Claims for payment
7. Public Forum: Recognition of visitors, delegations, and reading of communications.
8. Reports
8.1. Committee:
8.1.1. Negotiations
Committee met July 29th, and discussed Classified wages for 20-21. Total package increase recommended is approximately 3% .
8.2. Administration
8.2.1. Principal's Report
Mrs. Stutzman reviewed activities of the past month, and discussed the start of the school year.
8.2.2. Superintendent
Mr. Kraus reviewed the all-staff Zoom meeting that was held last Thursday, and plans for start of the year.
9. Action Items
9.1. Approve moving $100,000 from the General Fund to the Depreciation Fund
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9.2. Approve the rate of pay for the classified staff for the 2020-2021 school year.
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9.3. Approve option enrollment resolution to set capacity for grades and programs. Policy 5006
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10. Discussion Items
10.1. Technology- 1 to 1 policy
Due to possibility of distance learning and sanitation issues related to COVID, would like to explore movement to 1-to-1 Technology for upper class students. Students would be checked out a Chromebook at start of the year, and they would keep for the remainder of the school year. Mr. Kraus will pursue.
10.2. Budget Update
Mr. Kraus summarized our financial situation, and his work to date on the 2020-21 school budget.
10.3. Review current Exeter-Milligan coop and activities
Mr. Segner reviewed the current activities and programs we share with Exeter-Milligan P.S. He suggested we look at them, and discuss how they align with our board goals. Mr. Segner was very disappointed in the outcome of the co-op discussions. He still believes it's the best thing for the future of both the schools. Our football teams are co-oping at the start of a new two-year term, so we are committed for 20-21 and 21-22 school years. Junior high teams can be dissolved at any time. Friend holds the teaching contract for the Ag teaching position, while Exeter-Milligan holds the contract for the shared Science teacher. Board members agreed they still want to do what's best for our students and community, and encourage the patrons to continue to share their thoughts. They want to continue to build on all the positives we have created with E-M.
10.3.1. Public Comment
Liz Stutzman,Tyler Bartels and Kristen Milton all commented on the recent co-op meetings.
11. Adjournment
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