February 10, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call meeting to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. "District #881 is Proud of"
4. (INFORMATIONAL) Recognition of visitors
5. (ACTION) Approve the agenda for the regular school board meeting held on Monday, February 10, 2025.
6. (ACTION) Approve the consent agenda for the regular school board meeting held on Monday, February 10, 2025 (See Exhibit 1 - Consent Agenda; January 13, 2025, Minutes; Board Checks; Manual Checks; Operating Investments; OPEB Investments, Technology Bond Investments, Monthly Donations, Payroll Contribution Checks) ROLL CALL VOTE
Description: At all regular, special, committee, and public hearings, a speaker will have up to 3 minutes. An extension may be granted with the approval of the board or committee.
Registration will continue until the meeting is called to order. After this point, the chairperson will decide who appears. Register 15 minutes before regular, special, and committee meetings or 30 minutes before a public hearing. The board will follow Policy 206, PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS/COMPLAINTS ABOUT PERSONS AT SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS AND DATA PRIVACY CONSIDERATIONS. |
8. (7:10) Unfinished Business
8.A. February Enrollment
(INFORMATIONAL) Enrollment for January 31, 2025 (See Exhibit 2)
8.B. Food Service Update
(INFORMATIONAL) January food service Board update (See Exhibit 3)
8.C. Staff Evaluations
(INFORMATIONAL) Progress report on the evaluations of probationary licensed staff (See Exhibit )
8.D. 2025-2026 School Calendar
(ACTION) Motion to approve the 2025-2026 school calendar (See Exhibit 5)
8.E. Mid-Year Revised Budget
(ACTION) Motion to approve the mid-year revised budget (See Exhibit)
8.F. Elementary Principal Update
(ACTION) Motion to approve the hiring of Anna Reedy as the next Maple Lake Elementary Principal starting July 1, 2025 (See Exhibit)
9. (7:20) New Business
9.A. Elementary and High School Cell Phone Policy
(INFORMATIONAL/ACTION) Motion to approve the elementary and high school cell phone policies to meet the incoming state statute (See Exhibit)
9.B. Spring Coaches
(ACTION) Motion to approve the spring coaches list for the 2025 season (See Exhibit)
9.C. Policy 522 - First Reading
(INFORMATIONAL) First reading of Title IX Policy 522 (See Exhibit)
9.D. Elementary and High School Gym Updates
(INFORMATIONAL/ACTION) Motion to approve Elementary and High School Gym sanding the floor and applying lines (July 1 LTFM Cost of $25,000)
9.E. Basketball Hoops and Batting Cage Repairs
(INFORMATIONAL/ACTION) Motion to approve replacing old pulley systems on the basketball hoops and batting cages (July 1 LTFM cost $12,127.00)
9.F. Kidville Entryway Doors
(INFORMATIONAL/ACTION) Motion to approve replacing the Kidville entryway doors (LTFM cost $40,000)
9.G. 24-25 Boys Track and Field Coop Dissolution
(ACTION) Motion to approve the 24-25 Boys Track and Field Coop Dissolution (See Exhibit)
9.H. 24-25 Boys Track and Field Coop Application
(ACTION) Motion to approve the 24-25 Boys Track and Field Coop Application (See Exhibit)
9.I. State of the School
(INFORMATIONAL) Superintendent Rowe gives an update on what is happening in the district (See Exhibit)
10. (7:45) Representative Reports
10.A. District Leadership Team - Natalie Anderson
10.B. ECFE/Community Education - Liz Lind
10.C. Food Service Committee- Branson Thomas
10.D. Meeker and Wright Special Ed Co-Op - Jen Rasset
10.E. Minnesota State High School League - Liz Lind
10.F. Safe Schools Committee - Kaitlyn Helmbrecht
10.G. Technology Committee - Branson Thomas
10.H. Wright Technical Center - Joe Paumen
10.I. Elementary School - Kris Harlan
10.J. High School - Dave Hansen
11. (7:55) Committee Reports
11.A. Activities Committee - Lind, Thomas, Mavencamp
11.B. Building and Grounds Committee - Paumen, Helmbrecht, Mavencamp
11.C. Confidential Staff Committee - Rasset, Anderson, Thomas
11.D. Finance and Programs Committee - Helmbrecht, Rasset, Anderson
11.E. Licensed Staff Committee - Helmbrecht, Anderson, Paumen
11.F. Support Staff Committee - Anderson, Lind, Mavencamp
12. (8:20) Set Meeting Dates
13. (8:25) Other Business
13.A. Mail
13.B. Upcoming Meetings
13.B.1. District Leadership Committee at 7:15 a.m. on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, in the Board Room
13.B.2. Regular School Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 10, 2025, in the Board Room
13.B.3. Wright Tech Executive Director Search Monday, February 24, at 3:00 p.m. at the Wright Technical Center
13.C. Miscellaneous Information
14. (8:40) Adjourn