May 13, 2019 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Open Meeting
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Recognize the Open Meetings Act information
1.3. Approve minutes of last meeting
2. Instruction and Related Items
2.1. Student Report
There was not a student report
2.2. Principal Report
Principal Mezger reported on the 2019-20 class schedule, elementary awards, HS Awards Night, JH Awards Night and graduation.
2.3. Presentation from Nebraska Central Equipment on lease of micro buses
Tyler Cox was not available to attend, but provided answers to a number of questions ask by Superintendent Meyerle. The Board is interested in pursuing the lease of two small micro buses to replace larger buses that are used for two bus routes. Superintendent Meyerle feels smaller buses are more practical for a couple of routes, and that we would save some costs on bus repairs. He also explained that moving from 5 routes to 4 is possible with number of students, but the pick-up times would be earlier and ride time would increase. The Board agreed that the pick-up times are already early enough and the ride times are already long enough.
2.4. Mark Billesbach to address Board on bill submitted to School by Villlage for work done in street
Mr. Billesbach addressed the Board on the Village's cost of some work in the street that was necessary due to the new gym project. The Board thanked Mr. Billesbach and will take the issue under advisement.
2.5. Approve Nebraska Beef in Schools Program
2.6. Discuss rent of fitness center for training
The Board discussed Eric Hackler's request to renting the fitness facilities for personal training. As much as the Board recognizes the benefit, they feel they cannot rent out school facilities for personal profit as advised by legal counsel and insurance providers.
2.7. Approve the 457b plan as an investment option for employees
2.8. Discuss LB 399 American Civis Education
The Board discussed their responsibilities of LB 399
2.9. Approve renewal of softball and golf coops with Southern HS
3. Personnel Items
3.1. Accept the resignation of Tiffany Schoenrock
The Board thanks Mrs. Schoenrock for her six years of service and wishes her the best in the future.
3.2. Approve teaching contract of Garrett Easley as music teacher for 2019-2020
4. Support Service
4.1. Technology Update
Principal Mezger updated the Board on tech repairs and a tech purchase schedule
4.2. Facility Update
Superintendent Meyerle and some Board members had a walk-through of the gym at 7:00. He answered questions on the project.
5. Superintendent Items
5.1. Superintendent Report
Superintendent Meyerle reported that there would be changes to the music program with the change in instructors. Pep Band practice will be held at least twice a week in the mornings at 7:30am during the fall and winter sports seasons. Pep Band will consist of grade 7-12 students and a student who is not in band class, will be allowed to play in pep band. Also, show choir and a small group jazz band is desired to be created.
Superintendent Meyerle gave the Board an update on settlements for teacher negotiations in the fall. Superintendent Meyerle noted that Marlys Koch is retiring and that the school would be looking for someone to fill the part-time nurse position. The Board thanked Mrs. Koch for her service to the school district. |
6. Financial Items
6.1. Pay bills as presented
7. Board of Education Items
7.1. Review Policy #3008, Gifts, Grants and Bequests
The Board reviewed policy #3008 Gifts, Grants and Bequests.
7.2. Committee Reports
7.3. Executive Session
8. Adjournment
President Stohs adjourned the meeting at 8:35 pm. The next regular meeting is Monday, June 10.