April 14, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. 6:00 P.M. Open Forum: Lisa Ludwig, Jennifer Evens, Mark Messman
II. Call meeting to Order @ 6:30
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Following the Pledge, the Board Chair will welcome staff and guests to the meeting
IV. Approval of the Agenda
V. Consent Agenda
V.A. Minutes -attached
V.B. Personnel Actions -attached
VI. Finance
VI.A. Approve bills -attached
VI.B. Monthly enrollment update -attached
VI.C. Resolution for Acceptance of Gifts - attached
VII. Board Business
VII.A. Activities Director, Dave Schneider will provide board members with CMC, MSHSL, and local updates, initiatives, and a session of Q & A
VII.B. Administration will provide board members with COVID-19 related updates and transitions, and then provide an opportunity for member dialogue, feedback, and recommendations
VII.C. Review and recommend approval of the annual Student Teaching Agreement with South Dakota State University -attached
VII.D. Review and discuss the annual School Readiness fees -attached
VII.E. Acknowledge receipt of the "Notice of Desire to Negotiate" request from the Eden Valley-Watkins Federation of Teachers -attached
VII.F. Recommendation to approve the Resolution to dismiss a Classified Paraprofessional and terminate the existing contract -attached
VIII. Board Member Updates and Reports
VIII.A. Superintendent Report
Mark will provide updates on Navigate 360, SWWC cultural competency training, summer school, transportation, State and Federal legislation impacting education, facilities and other district level business
VIII.B. Elementary Principal Report
VIII.C. Secondary Principal Report
IX. Other Business
X. Items to be considered at the next meeting
XI. Adjourn the meeting