March 20, 2015 at 4:00 PM - Superintendent's Weekly Update to the Board of Education
Minutes |
1. Profiles Property Tax System 2013-14
Please see attached a document comparing property taxes between our school district and others in the area. The data was taken from 2013-14 (oftentimes working behind) and does not reflect the recently approved building project. I share it with you as an FYI. |
2. Background Checks for Board Members
I visited with Bill at MSBA about whether or not background checks are required of board members. He said, "I don't believe so." He then looked up the state statute and it appears to both of us as if it is not required. Jim will be volunteer coaching this summer! He will now need a background check because he is in the role of a volunteer and working directly with students. |
3. Board Work Sessions
I visited with Bill at MSBA about agenda items for a board work session. Similar to special board meetings the agenda items need to be listed out and the board cannot go into random topics or conversations (e.g., academics to athletics to building project to etc.). Bill believes there is a possibility to do that if the board work sessions are "regularly scheduled" for the year. "You might get away with it. However, the intent of the open meeting law is for the public to be informed." My thoughts/suggestion is to approach agenda items for a board work session the same as a special meeting. Therefore, as Randy pointed out it's best to do special board meetings when board action is an option. |
4. Construction "Design" Meeting Outside School District Boundaries
Bill at MSBA provided me with the contact information for the Minnesota Department of Administration. I shared our questions about board member(s) participation in construction design meetings outside school district boundary lines. Please see attached my email message. I have not heard back as of this afternoon on Friday, March 20. |
5. Update on Construction Designs
Jay Cameron at ARY sent me the requested floor plans. I have them on my conference table for any board member who wants to come in and look at the progress. I'm able to attach a PDF document of the completely gutted and remodeled high school lunch serving, prep, and storage areas. Also, attached is a PDF document of the fitness classroom. Please remember all of the floor plans are still shifting and moving like in an earthquake. |
6. Construction Work in Progress
See attached explanation of work in progress on the mechanical engineering for the classroom unit vents and other HVAC unit replacements at both the elementary and MS/HS building. Design Tree is completing the work for us. Other work beginning are the soil borings necessary for construction. Braun Intertec is completing this work for us. You'll see a map of where all the borings are located. Both separate companies and task assignments were recommended and supported by ARY and Winkelman Construction Corp. |
7. School Building Roofs on Deferred Maintenance List
Money for roof replacements at both the elementary and MS/HS sites were part of the deferred maintenance lists approved in the construction project. I spent a few hours on the building roofs with Robbie from Winkelman, Bill, Tony, and three roofing company reps. The roofs you see in the pics without river rocks have been replaced in recent years through our annual capital outlay budgets. The roofs you see with river rocks are to be replaced in the project. These are two different ways/methods of protecting our roof. The best option is, of course, the one we're moving to with NO river rocks up top. I also included a bird eye view of where the south end addition will be constructed. |
8. Opportunity for Solar Energy
Several of us listened to a presentation on solar panels. David Winkelman from Innovative Power Systems. Inc. was the sales representative. You can ask Liz, Dale, Andrea, Mary, Joel, Tony, or Marty their thoughts and reaction to the possibilities. We need to collect more information about this endeavor. Here are a few highlights from what we learned.
9. Legislative Session Update by Ewald Consulting
Please see attached a legislative session update by Edwald Consulting. |
10. Spring Baseball and Softball Schedules Update
Please see attached an update to the spring baseball and softball schedules. Brent asked that I please share it with you. |
11. Weekly Bills
Please see attached the weekly bills for your approval. |