May 6, 2024 at 5:00 PM - Board Policy Committee Meeting
Minutes |
I. POLICY REVIEW (3-Readings)
I.A. #102 Equal Opportunity (C. Burckhardt)
I.B. #504 Student Appearance (C. Burckhardt)
I.C. #514 Bullying (C. Burckhardt)
I.D. #515 Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records (C. Burckhardt)
I.E. #520 Student Surveys and Form
I.F. #474 Staff Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy (A.Winter)
I.G. #536 Student Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy (A. Winter)
I.H. #611 Home Schooling (A. Winter)
I.I. #104 School District Mission Statement (B. Zambreno)
I.J. #501 School Weapon Policy (B. Zambreno)
I.K. #502 Search of Student Lockers, Desks, Personal Possessions, and Studnts Person (B. Zambreno)
I.L. #505 Distribution of Nonschool-Sponsored Materials on School Premises by Students and Employees (B. Zambreno)
I.M. #512 School-Sponsored Student Publications and Activities (B. Zambreno)
I.N. #526 Hazing Prohibition (B. Zambreno)
I.O. #528 Student, Parental, Family and Marital Status Nondiscrimination (B. Zambreno)
I.P. #531 The Pledge of Allegiance (B. Zambreno)
I.Q. #550 Attendance at State Tournaments (B. Zambreno)
II.A. # 516.5 Overdose Medication (C. Burckhardt)
II.B. #518 DNR-DNI Orders (C. Burckhardt)
II.C. #521 Student Disability Nondiscrimination (C. Burckhardt)
II.D. #530 Immunization Requirements (C. Burckhardt)
III.A. Other Items Deemed Necessary by the Board Policy Committee