May 14, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to order and roll call:
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of the agenda
4. Public Forum
5. Focus on Learning - Middle School PBI's
6. Reports to the Board
6.A. Mr. Nelson, Elementary School Principal
6.B. Mr. Ellenbecker, High School Principal
6.C. Ms. Sprang, Finance Manager
6.D. Ms. Timm, Superintendent/Middle School Principal
7. Consent Agenda Items
7.A. Accept Minutes - April 23, 2012
7.B. Receive and File District Financial Statement – April 2012
7.C. Schedule of Bills Payable – April 2012
7.D. Personnel Recommendations
8. Discussion Items
8.A. Bus Ridership
9. Action items
9.A. Approve Board and Committee Positions
9.B. Approve Maintenance Projects
9.C. Approve second reading of board policies
9.D. Approve van purchase
9.E. Approve Open Enrollment Requests
9.F. Approve PLC Training
9.G. Approve WIAA membership
10. Adjourn into Closed Session
10.A. Consider performance evaluation of any public cmployee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercise responsibility - per WI Statute 19.85 (1) (c)
11. Reconvene into Open Session. The Mishicot Board of Education reserves the right to return to open session following the closed session.
12. Adjournment