August 10, 2015 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Announce Open Meetings Act and Location
1.2. Approval of Agenda/Emergency Modification
1.3. Approval of Previous Minutes
1.4. Approval of Treasurer’s Report
1.5. Approval of Claims
1.6. Reports
1.6.1. Biology II Students
1.6.2. Principal’s Report
1.6.3. Superintendent’s Report
2. Action Items
2.1. September Board Meeting Date/Time
2.2. Re-vist Maintenance Shed Bid
2.3. Review, Discuss Take All Necessary Action on Policy #5080 - Sex Offenders
2.4. Faculty Contract Adjustments
2.5. 2015-16 Budget Discussion
2.6. Transportation, Vehicle Inspections
3. Executive Session
4. Adjournment