April 9, 2015 at 12:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Roll Call
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Announce Open Meeting Act Posting and Location
1.3. Approval of Agenda
1.4. Approval of Previous Minutes
1.5. Approval of Treasurer's Report
1.6. Approval of Claims
1.7. Reports
1.7.1. School Improvement Team Report
1.7.2. Principal's Report
1.7.3. Superintendent's Report
1.7.4. Counselor/Activity Director Reports
2. Action Items
2.1. Senior Diplomas
2.2. Hot Lunch Prices
2.3. 2015-16 School Schedule
2.4. Classified Staff Resignations
2.5. Teacher Resignation
2.6. Teacher Contracts
3. Executive Session
4. Adjournment