February 9, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Roll Call
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Announce Open Meeting Act Posting and Location
1.3. Approval of Agenda
1.4. Approval of Previous Minutes
1.5. Approval of Treasurer’s Report
1.6. Approval of Claims
1.7. Reports
1.7.1. Biology II Summer Trip
1.7.2. Curriculum Report: Language Arts/Foreign Language
1.7.3. Curriculum Report: Elementary Education
1.7.4. Principal's Report
1.7.5. Superintendent's Report
2. Action Items
2.1. Superintendent's Contract
2.2. 2015-16 ESU Contracts
2.3. 2015-16 School Calendar
2.4. Counselor Job Description/Evaluation Form
2.5. Preschool/Head Start Discussion
2.6. Policy Revisions
2.6.1. Policy 2007: Reimbursement and Miscellaneous Expenditures
2.6.2. Policy 3016: Smoking and Tobacco Use
2.6.3. Policy 6024: Student Discipline
2.6.4. Policy 3034: Disbursements
2.6.5. Policy 3035: Chain of Command
2.6.6. Policy 3036: Purchasing (Credit) Card Program
2.6.7. Policy 4039: Employment of Classified Staff
2.6.8. Policy 4046: Internet Searches Regarding Potential Employees
2.6.9. Policy 4058: Confidentiality in Counseling and Guidance
2.6.10. Policy 5001: Compulsory Attendance and Excessive Absenteeism
2.6.11. Policy 5004: Option Enrollment
2.6.12. Policy 5016: Student Records
2.6.13. Policy 5044: Safe Pupil Transportation Plan
2.6.14. Policy 5049: Firearms and Weapons
2.6.15. Policy 5055: Enrollment in Kindergarten
2.6.16. Policy 5057: Parental Involvement in the Title I Program
2.6.17. Policy 5065: Early Graduation
2.6.18. Policy 5035: Student Discipline
2.6.19. Policy 6031: Emergency Exclusion Procedure
2.6.20. Policy 6034: Concussion Awareness and Return to Learn
3. Executive Session
4. Adjournment