October 13, 2014 at 4:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Routine Business
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Approval of Agenda/Emergency Modification
1.3. Approval of Previous Minutes
1.4. Approval of Treasurer’s Report
1.5. Approval of Claims
1.6. Curriculum Reports (Math/Science)
2. Action Items
2.1. Future Board Meeting Dates/Times
2.2. Speech Staff Assignments
2.3. Language Arts State Standards Adoption
2.4. Athletic Items for Auction
2.5. Greenhouse Project
2.6. NGEA - Exclusive Bargaining Agent for 2016-17 School Year
3. Information Items/Report
3.1. Principal’s Report
3.2. Superintendent’s Report
4. Executive Session
5. Adjournment