April 10, 2017 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Announce Open Meetings Act Posting and Location
1.3. Approve the Agenda
1.4. Approval of Previous Minutes
1.5. Next Meeting Date/Time
2. Reports
2.1. Curriculum Report: Science
2.2. Counselor's Report
2.3. Activities Director Report
2.4. Principal’s Report
2.5. Superintendent’s Report
3. Action Items
3.1. Accept Treasurer's Report
3.2. Payment of Claims
3.3. Class of 2017 Diplomas
3.4. Adopt Policy 3012 - School Meal Program and Meal Charges
3.5. 5051 - School Wellness Policy Update (Change number to 5052)
3.6. Approve Technology Purchase (Computers for Janet, Mr. Barnes and Administrative Laptop)
3.7. Accounting Program Upgrade
3.8. Approve 2017-18 Hot Lunch Prices
3.9. Local Substitute Teacher Certificate Requests
3.10. Accept Teacher Resignations
3.11. Approve Teacher Contracts
3.12. Substitute Teacher Pay Rate
3.13. Approve 2017-18 Classified Staff Wages
3.14. Approve Construction Manager-at-Risk Policy, and Policy 3042 - Construction Management at Risk Contracts.
3.15. Facility Design Ideas
3.16. Discuss and consider potential acquisition and purchase price of Methodist Church Property
4. Executive Session
5. Adjournment