August 8, 2016 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Open Meetings Act
1.3. Approve/Amend Agenda
1.4. Approve Previous Minutes
1.5. August and September Meeting Dates/Times
2. Reports
2.1. Biology Students Trip
2.2. Building & Grounds Committee Report
2.3. Principal's Report
2.4. Superintendent's Report
2.4.1. Activities Code Update
2.4.2. Annual Transportation Report
3. Action Items
3.1. Accept Treasurer’s Report
3.2. Approval of Claims
3.3. Faculty Contract Adjustments
3.4. Review, Revise and Approve Community Survey
3.5. Discuss, Approve response for 9th and 10th Street drainage project
4. Executive Session
5. Adjournment