February 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Publication of Meeting
3. Open Meeting Act
4. Roll Call
5. Pledge of Allegiance
6. Meeting Agenda
7. Previous Board Meeting(s) Minutes
8. Monthly Claims
9. Monthly Financial Reports
10. Special Recognition
Student of the Month K-Ryker Whartman 1-Mathew Ybarra 2-Alex Hillyer 3-Braxton Porter 4-Rainlee Carson 5-Micah Ramsey 6-Swayzee Carson Additional Perfect Attendance 1st Quarter Getta Varra 2nd Quarter Keegan Gasseling Rave Carson Keegan Hinton Alexa Shoemaker Trenton Hickman Kaitlyn Nicklas R.J. Ramsey Crystal Dhooge |
11. Recognition of Visitors/Communication with the Public
12. New Business/Discussion Items
12.1. Board of Education Report(s)
12.2. K-6 Principal/Activities Director Report
12.3. 7-12 Principal/Superintendent's Report
13. Action Items
13.1. Review, consider and take possible action on the teaching contract of Kaylin Neumann for the 2025-2026 school year.
13.2. Review, consider and take possible action on the teaching contract of Elizabeth Stephens for the 2025-2026 school year.
13.3. Review, consider and take possible action on the principal contract of Lance Howitt for the 2025-2026 school year.
14. Adjournment