February 24, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Roll Call
II. Invocation
III. Acknowledgements and Recognition
IV. Public Comments
V. Consent Agenda
V.A. Prior Meetings' Minutes
V.B. Financial Reports
V.B.1. Tax Report
V.B.2. Accounting Report
V.B.3. Internal Audit
V.B.4. Prior month's Bills
V.B.5. Bank Statements
V.C. Budget Amendments
VI.A. Presentation by Seymour Youth Leadership team, Jeramiah Fobbs and Heaven Betts, with regard to the proposed building of a dog park in the City of Seymour.
VI.B. Enrollment
VI.C. Utility Report
VI.D. Security Report
VI.E. Campus Reports
VI.F. Superintendent Report
VI.F.1. PTAD Value Study
VI.F.2. Teacher Housing Update
VII.A. Personnel
VII.A.1. Consider recommendations from the Administration in regards to posted positions.
VII.A.2. Acknowledge Resignations
VII.B. Consider approval of campus administrative contracts for the elementary principal, middle school principal, and high school principal.
VII.C. Consider approval of the contracts for the Band Director, Athletic Director, Technology Director, and Ag Teacher.
VII.D. Consider approval of the contract for the Chief Financial Officer through June 2026
VII.E. Consider approval of Non-Chapter 21 Contracts for Human Resource/Payroll and Seymour ISD Chief of Police through June 2026
VII.F. Discussion and possible action with regard to the Seymour ISD calendar for the 2025-2026 school year.
VII.G. Consider approving the Panther Tots Daycare Operational Guidelines for the 2025-2026 school year.
VII.H. Consider approval of low attendance waiver for January 9 and January 10, 2025.
VII.I. Discussion and possible action with regard to approval of rental agreement for teacher housing.
VII.J. Consider proposal from Employee Benefits Services Group as Third Party Administrator for Seymour ISD
VII.K. Consider approval of the Truancy Prevention Grant Resolution for the 2025-2026 school year.
VII.L. Consider approval of the Homeland Security Grant for school year 2025-2026
VIII. Adjourn