March 16, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Work Session/Finance/Regular Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order Board Work Session:
2. Discussion:
2.1. Gym Project:
2.2. Drivers' Education Vehicle:
2.3. American Indian Council:
Jessica Emerson
2.4. Soccer Coop with Jordan:
3. Adjourn Board Work Session:
4. Call to Order Finance/Regular Board Meeting:
5. Finance Meeting
Chuck Keller
6. Acknowledgment of Visitors and Special Presentations:
6.1. One-Act Play:
6.2. Wrestlers:
7. Other Items as Brought Before the Board & Consideration of Agenda:
8. Consensus Items:
Chair Kahle
8.1. Previous Board Meeting Minutes:
8.2. Approve Monthly Expenditures:
8.3. Personnel:
8.4. Donations:
9. Discussion Items:
9.1. Superintendent Update:
Dr. Laager
9.1.1. COVID-19 (Coronavirus) District Update:
9.1.2. AG Summer Grant:
9.1.3. Misc. Items:
9.2. Board Member Reports:
Board Members
10. Action Items:
10.1. Gym Project Quotes:
10.2. Soccer Cooperative with Jordan Public Schools:
10.3. AIPAC Compliance:
Jessica Emerson
11. Upcoming Meetings:
12. Adjourn Finance/Regular Board Meeting: