August 16, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Pledge of Allegiance—Clay Scarborough
2. Invocation—Clay Scarborough
3. Call to Order—Renee Rehfeld
3.A. Establish Quorum
3.B. Roll Call
3.C. Announcement that this meeting has been duly called, and that notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.043 of the Texas Government Code.
4. Public Participation:
Individuals wishing to participate in this portion of the meeting shall sign up before the meeting is called to order and shall indicate the topic about which they wish to speak.[Ref. Board Policy BED(LOCAL)] |
4.A. Public Comments on General Topics
Public comments regarding subjects not listed as an agenda item for this meeting |
4.B. Public Comments on Posted Agenda Items
Public comments regarding a specific agenda item or items listed on the posted notice for this meeting. |
5. Discussion:
5.A. Start of School Plan for 2021-2022
5.B. 2020-2021 STAAR / EOC Update - Mrs. McMullen
5.C. Budget - Mr. Neuhoff
6. Reports
6.A. Campus Activity Report - Principals, Athletic Director, District Departments
6.B. Superintendent’s Report
6.B.1. Resignations / Retirement
6.B.2. COVID Update
6.B.3. Calendar of Events |
6.B.3.a. August 18, 2021 - First Day of School
6.C. District Financial Reports
7. Consent Agenda:
7.A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 19, 2021:
7.B. Minutes of the Special Meeting of July 29, 2021:
7.C. Donation from Navarro Intermediate PTO for a sound system in the amount of $2500.
8. Action Items:
8.A. Notice of Public Meeting Date to Discuss the 2021-2022 Budget and the Proposed Tax Rate
8.B. Review of Board Policy CDA (LEGAL) and (LOCAL): Investments
8.C. Consideration and Action on a Resolution for Redemption of certain outstanding District obligations from Bond Series 2013A
8.D. Consider Contract Renewal for Apex
8.E. Consider approval of Additional Staffing Positions in grades K-4
8.F. Consider approval for T-TESS Calendar and Certified T-TESS Appraisers
8.G. Consider approval for Designate Campus Attendance Times
8.H. Consider Approval for New engine for bus
8.I. Consider iPad Purchase for 2021-2022
8.J. Consider Renewal of RFP#17-016: Interlocal Agreement for Property & Casualty Insurance
8.K. Consider Contract Renewal for Copiers & Printers
8.L. Consider Renewal RPF#19-004 Transportation – Maintenance, Repair and Services for 2021-2022 school year
8.M. Consider Interlocal Agreement: Self-Insured’s Workers’ Compensation Fund 2020-2025 – Renewal – School Year 2021-2022
8.N. Consider Approval of Walsh Gallegos Retainer
8.O. Consider Approval 2021 Appraised Values as Certified by GAD
8.P. Consider Approval of Student Code of Conduct for 2021-2122
9. Closed Session: The Board may go into closed session
9.A. Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t. Code Section 551.074 to discuss the duties of the Superintendent
9.B. Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t. Code Section 551.074 to discuss the Employment of Professional Personnel to include Teachers
9.C. Pursuant to Tex. Govt. Code 551.074, consider and discuss applicants for the Navarro ISD Board of Trustees vacancy
9.D. Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t. Code Section 551.072 to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property
Any related action will be taken in open session. |
10. Reconvene in Open Session to consider possible action related to closed session discussion.
11. Adjourn