May 21, 2019 at 5:00 PM - Finance Full Board Meeting
Minutes |
A. Call to Order
B. Financial Administrator's Report.
B.1. Cash Balances.
B.1.a. General.
B.1.b. Delinquent Tax.
B.1.c. Tax Sale.
B.1.d. Pre-denial (Chris to provide info; Michelle to answer any questions about tax funds).
B.2. Checks over $10,000.00.
B.3. Invoice Register.
C. Treasurer's Report.
C.1. Investments.
C.2. Revenue.
C.2.a. Grants.
C.2.b. Taxes.
C.2.b.1) Millages.
C.2.b.2) Real Property.
C.2.b.3) Personal Property.
C.2.b.4) Windmills.
C.2.b.5) Percentage collected to date.
C.3. Tax Sale Update.
C.3.a. Pre-sale: Number and total taxes due.
C.3.b. Post-sale: parcels sold and revenue.
C.3.c. Special Projects.
C.3.d. Settlements: year to year comparisons (April 16 meeting).
D. Other Financial Business.
D.1. Update Centralized Procurement.
D.2. Budget Calendar 2019/20.
E. Brief public comment
The Board welcomes all public input and appreciates adherence to the time limits established. Each period shall be limited to one 3 minute comment per period. |
F. Adjournment