October 2, 2018 at 4:30 PM - Regular Full Board Meeting
Minutes |
A. Call to Order
B. Roll call of commissioners
C. Invocation
D. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
E. Additions/Deletions to Agenda and Approval of Agenda
E.1. Gratiot County
F. Approval of the Agenda
G. Brief public comment
The Board welcomes all public input and appreciates adherence to the time limits established. Each period shall be limited to one 3 minute comment per period. |
H. Consideration of Consent Calendar: Board Minutes, Communications and recommendations from committees.
H.1. Commissions Minutes of September 18, 2018.
H.2. Communications.
H.2.a. Poe Lock.
H.2.b. Gratiot County Planning Commission Minutes September 12, 2018.
H.2.c. Greater Gratiot Minutes and Financials.
H.2.d. Mid-Michigan District Health Department Minutes for July and August can be found at https://mmdhd.org/?q=node/144
H.2.e. Drain Commission, Day of Review.
H.2.f. County Administrator Performance Evaluation.
I. Administrator's report.
J. Commissioner Committee Reports.
K. Consideration of New Business.
K.1. Veterans Affairs- Rodolfo Diaz-Pons.
K.2. Economic Development Service Draft Agreement- Jim Wheeler.
K.3. Agreement with MSUE for Services.
K.4. RFP for Solar Development at the Landfill.
K.5. Snow Plowing Contract.
L. Consideration of Unfinished Business.
M. Additional public comment and board comments.
N. Adjournment