December 17, 2018 at 5:45 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to order
2. Approval of Meeting Agenda
Motion: ____________ Second: ____________ Vote: ____________
3. Work Session
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Program Review - Audit Presentation (Auditors - Bergan KDV) and Truth & Taxation Hearing (Mary Reeder)
6. Consent Agenda
Motion: ____________ Second: ____________ Vote: ____________
6.A. School Board Minutes
6.B. Financial Affairs
6.B.1. Current Budget Status with Year-to-Date Adjustments
6.B.2. Investment Transactions
6.B.3. Construction Bond Investment Transactions
6.B.4. Wire Transfers
6.B.5. Minnesota Liquid Asset Fund
6.B.6. Cash Report
6.B.7. Revenue Report by Fund
6.B.8. Expense Report by Fund
6.B.9. Expense Report by Program
6.B.10. Expense Report by Object
6.B.11. List of Bills Presented for Payment
7. Resolution for Acceptance of Gifts
Motion: ____________ Second: ____________ Roll Call Vote: ____________
8. Personnel Matters
Motion: ____________ Second: ____________ Vote: ____________
9. Public Comment: School patrons are given the opportunity to address the school board regarding items that are not on the agenda. All patrons will be asked to state their name and address for the record.
10. Administrative Reports
10.A. Superintendent
10.B. Principals:
10.B.1. Mr. Voight
10.B.2. Dr. Heil
10.B.3. Mr. Schuler
10.C. Business Manager
10.D. Community Education Director
11. Student Board Representatives Report
12. Board Reports
12.B. Wright Technical Center
13. Old Business
13.A. Second read of Policy 616 - School District System Accountability, due to substantive and legal reference changes
Motion: ____________ Second: ____________ Vote: ____________
13.B. Second read of Policy 603 - Curriculum Development, due to substantive and legal reference changes
Motion: ____________ Second: ____________ Vote: ____________
13.C. Second read of Policy 406 - Public and Private Personnel Data, due to substantive and legal reference changes
Motion: ____________ Second: ____________ Vote: ____________
13.D. Second read of Policy 104 - School District Mission Statement, due to substantive changes
Motion: ____________ Second: ____________ Vote: ____________
14. New Business
14.A. Certify 2018 Pay 2019 Final Property Tax Levy
Motion: ____________ Second: ____________ Vote: _______
14.B. Set date for January organizational meeting
Motion: ____________ Second: ____________ Vote: ____________
14.C. Approve Resolution Designating Polling Places for the 2019 Calendar Year
Motion: ____________ Second: ____________ Roll Call Vote
14.D. Approve Pay Equity Compliance Report
Motion:__________ Second:__________ Vote:_____
14.E. Approve Resolution for Student Training Experience with St. Cloud State University
Motion: ____________ Second: ____________ Roll Call Vote
14.F. First and only read of Policy 203 - Operation of the School Board - Governing Rules, and Policy 203.1 - School Board Procedures; Rules of Order, due to non-substantive and/or legal reference changes
Motion:__________ Second:__________ Vote:_____
14.G. Approve 2018 through 2021 Transportation Contract
Motion:__________ Second:________ Vote:_____
14.H. Approve PAC/Auditorium fees
Motion: ____________ Second: ____________ Vote: _______
15. Adjournment
Motion: ____________ Second: ____________ Vote: ____________