November 20, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Hearing of Delegations Present
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Minutes
VI.A.1. Regular School Board Meeting of October 23, 2013
VI.B. Recommended Employment/Resignations/Contract Adjustments
VI.C. Treasurer's Report - General/Other Fund Bills
VI.D. Budget Transfers
VI.E. Grant Application(s) / Budget Revision(s)
VI.F. Fund Raising Request(s)
VI.G. Gift(s) / Bequest(s)
VI.G.1. Todd Nicklaus Donation of Cost of Tennis Court Lighting Project
VI.H. Tuition Agreement(s) / Waiver Request(s)
VI.I. Policy Approval - Second Reading
VI.I.1. Policy 3040 - Operating Reserve
VII. Reports/Considerations
VII.A. WASB Legislative Network Member
Diane Stroik
VII.B. CESA Representative
Helen Ackermann
VII.C. Student Representative
Dylan Green
VIII. Superintendent
Dr. Gilmore
VIII.A. Update on Suburban Superintendents Conference
VIII.B. Hosting Community-wide Benefits Captive Informational Meeting
VIII.C. 2013 Middle Level State Honors Music Project Update
IX. Unfinished Business
IX.A. Board Goals
Dr. Alt
IX.A.1. Course Updates and Additions
Dr. Alt
X. New Business
X.A. 2014-2015 School Year Calendar
X.B. Everest Paraprofessional Union (EPU) Wage Increase
X.C. Consideration of Refinancing Long Term Debt
X.D. 2014-2015 Budget Calendar
X.E. 2012-2013 School Year Final Financial Audit
X.F. Consideration of Motion to Provide for the Holding of a Special Meeting of the Electorate Pursuant to Wis. Stat. Sec 120.08 to Discuss the Purchase of Real Estate by the District.
X.G. 2014 School Board Election Schedule
X.H. Other
XI. Petitions & Communications
XI.A. Memorial Tribute Acknowledgements
XI.A.1. Family of Fred Heller (father/father-in-law of Chris and Kathy Heller)
XI.A.2. Family of Sandra Thurs (mother of Karrie Blake)
XII. Future Meeting Dates
XII.A. Regularly Scheduled School Board Meeting
Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 6:30 p.m. D.C. Everest Administration Building Board Room
Meeting moved from the 4th to 3rd Wednesday of December
XII.B. Regularly Scheduled January School Board Meeting
Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 6:30 p.m. D.C. Everest Administration Building Board Room
January meeting moved to 5th Wednesday due to conflict with WASB Joint Convention
XIII. Adjournment to closed session following the open meeting pursuant to
W.S.S.19.85(1)(c)(e)(f) to discuss personnel issues and for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the
purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or
conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or
bargaining reasons require a closed session, including potential changes
to District lease agreements
XIV. Reconvene in Open Session
XV. Adjourn