February 15, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Minutes
3.A. Approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of January 18, 2017
4. Presentation of Patriotic Service Award to Reference Librarian Neal O'Shea
5. Public Comment
6. Treasurer's Report
6.A. Review Financial Reports
6.B. Approve the payment of the bills for operating expenses of $221,749.72, payroll expenses of $265,290.73, Special Reserve expenses of $9,027.00 for a total monthly expense of $496,067.45
6.C. Approve the December payment of the bills for operating expenses of $239,101.89, payroll expenses of $276,903.29, Special Reserve expenses of $7,411.60, for a total monthly expense of $523,416.78
7. Director's Report
7.A. Highlights
7.B. Monthly Statistics
8. Communications
9. Committee Reports
9.A. Building and Grounds
9.B. Technology
10. Liaison Reports
10.A. Friends of the Library
10.B. Legislative
11. Secretary's Report
12. New Business
12.A. Discussion of Possible Passport Service
12.B. Presentation of Budget Timeline
12.C. Approve Changes to Personnel Policy 4.08 Vacation Policies
12.D. Discussion of trustee procedures regarding requests
for information and contacting staff
13. Unfinished Business
13.A. Approve
Ordinance 17-01 Changing the Name of the Niles Public Library District and Its
Board of Trustees
13.B. Approve Changes to Administrative Policy 3.02 Library Rules
13.C. Approve new Personnel Policy 4.31 No Solicitation/No Distribution
14. Other
15. Adjournment