February 17, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Minutes
3.A. Approve Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of January 20, 2016
4. Public Comment
5. Treasurer's Report
5.A. Review Financial Reports
5.B. Approve the payment of the bills for operating expenses of $151,366.12, payroll expenses of $273,768.02, Special Reserve expenses of $0, for a total monthly expense of $425,134.14
6. Director's Report
6.A. Highlights
6.B. Monthly Statistics
7. Communications
8. Committee Reports
8.A. Building and Grounds
9. Liaison Reports
9.A. Friends of the Library
9.B. Legislative
10. Secretary's Report
11. New Business
11.A. Approve the expenditure of Special Reserve Funds
in the amount of $17,900 to Sherman Dodge for the purchase of a 2016 Dodge
Grand Caravan
11.B. Approve the recommended changes to Policy
3.22 Investment Policy
11.C. Discussion of budget calendar for FY2016-17
12. Unfinished Business
12.A. Library Retirement Plan Investigation
12.A.1) Discussion of "Deferred Compensation for Full-Time Employees" section of Policy 4.02, Appointment
13. Other
14. Adjournment