January 21, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Executive Session-To discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the Niles Public Library District; discussion of minutes of closed session meetings
4. Final Action, if any, on closed session subjects
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Approve Minutes of December 17, 2014
5.B. Approve the payment of the bills for operating expenses of $169,253.93, payroll expenses of $261,529, Special Reserve expenses of $0.00 for a total monthly expense of $430,783.05
5.C. Approve the resignation of Sue Wilsey from the full-time position of Marketing and Publicity Supervisor effective January 23, 2015; the appointment of Jason Waclawik to the part-time position of Adult Services Assistant at a rate of $13.96 per hour, effective January 24, 2015; the appointment of Stacy Moss-Paul to the part-time position of Adult Services Assistant at a rate of $13.96 per hour, effective January 26, 2015; the resignation of Sasha Vasilic from the full-time position of Digital Communications Coordinator effective January 23, 2015; the appointment of Sasha Vasilic to the full-time position of Public Relations and Marketing Supervisor, at a rate of $26.68 per hour (annual salary of $52,026), effective January 26, 2015
5.D. Approve the travel request for Susan Lempke to attend ALA Annual Conference In San Francisco, CA July 25-30; the travel request for Sarah Muskivitch to attend ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco, CA July 25-30
6. Public Comment
7. Treasurer's Report
7.A. Review Financial Report
7.B. Presentation by Greg Pritz
7.C. Approve transfer of $600,000 from the General Fund to the Special Reserve Fund
8. Director's Report
8.A. Highlights
8.B. Monthly Statistics
9. Communications
10. Committee Reports
10.A. Special Reserve Committee
10.B. Employee Benefits Committee
11. Liaison Reports
11.A. Friends of the Library
11.B. Legislative
12. Secretary's Report
13. New Business
14. Unfinished Business
14.A. Discussion and possible modification of the Library's Internet Filtering Policy to filter nudity and pornography only
14.B. Discussion and selection of Internet Filtering Software and/or Hardware
14.C. Discussion on Strategic Goal Setting
14.D. Discuss limiting trustee attendance at events sponsored by religious organizations
15. Other
16. Adjournment