November 13, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of Minutes
V. Recognitions
V.A. Student Recognitions
V.B. Shining Stars
V.C. Campus Communication
VI. Citizens to be Heard
VII. Business Items
VII.A. Action Items
VII.A.1. Consider Out-Of-State Trip Request from Columbia High School Choir
VII.A.2. Consider Addition of Swimming Athletic Stipend
VII.A.3. Consider Renfro Field Facilities Requests from Fund Balance
VII.B. Action Items (consent agenda)
VII.B.1. Approve Budget Amendments and Donations
VII.C. Reports
VII.C.1. Instructional Update
VII.C.2. ACT/SAT Report
VII.C.3. Maintenance Report
VII.C.4. Financial Report
VII.C.5. 2019-2020 Instructional Calendar Report
VII.D. Adjournment to Closed Session pursuant to Texas Governmental Code, the Open Meetings Act
VII.D.1. Section 551.074
VII.D.1.a. Consider the employment of professional personnel
VII.D.1.b. Discuss the resignation/retirement of professional personnel
VII.D.1.c. Discuss the performance of personnel
VII.E. Reconvene in Open Meeting and Consider Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
VIII. Adjournment