January 15, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Monthly Meeting
Minutes | ||
1. Opening the Meeting
President Lutkemeier opened the meeting at 7 pm. The meeting notice was advertised in the December 26th publication of the Webster County Sun. "The Open Meetings Act" poster was displayed in the meeting room.
1.1. Call to Order
1.2. Pledge of Allegiance
1.3. District Mission Statement
1.4. Nebraska Open Meetings Law
1.5. Publication of the Meeting
1.6. Board Member Roll Call
1.7. Excuse Absent Board Members
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
2. Oath of Office
Persuant to Silver Lake Board of Education Policy 2004 no board member is required to take an oath of office pursuant to Nebraska law. However new members may voluntarily take the following oath before entering their official duties.
Board members may affirm the oath orally or in writing. Written oaths will be retained as official records of the school district in the main administrative office and such other places as may be required by law. Board members who give the oath orally will be noted in the minutes. Adam Klein and Ryan Sorensen have affirmed the Oath of Office in writing. See attached : Signed copies |
3. Election of Officers
Pursuant to 79-520 and 79-564 and by law 8400, the Board has the power to select its own officers and shall elect from among its members a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer at its first regular board meeting and annually thereafter. President Lutkemeier took the liberty of allowing the Superintendent to serve as chairperson for this part of the meeting.
3.1. Office of Silver Lake Board of Education President
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Mr. Bauer opened the floor for nominations for the Office of School Board President. Alan Bonifas nominated Leon Lutkemeier. No subsequent nominations were made. Motion was made and carried to close nominations. Leon Lutkemeier will serve as School Board President for the 2025 term.
3.2. Office of the Silver Lake Board of Education Vice-President
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Mr. Bauer opened the floor for nominations for the Office of School Board Vice President. Leon Lutkemeier nominated Daren Niemeyer. No subsequent nominations were made. Motion was made and carried to close nominations. Daren Niemeyer will serve as the School Board Vice-President for the 2025 term.
3.3. Office of the Silver Lake Board of Education Secretary
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Mr. Bauer opened the floor for nominations for the Office of School Board Secretary. Leon Lutkemeier nominated Alan Bonifas. Shaun Fisher nominated Brant Karr. A vote was taken and tallied. Brant Karr will serve as the School Board Secretary for the 2025 term.
3.4. Office of the Silver Lake Board of Education Treasurer
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Mr. Bauer opened the floor for nominations for the Office of School Board Treasurer. Leon Lutkemeier nominated Shaun Fisher. No subsequent nominations were made. Motion was made and carried to close nominations. Shaun Fisher will serve as the School Board Treasurer for the 2025 term.
4. Approval of the Agenda
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5. Celebration of Excellence
6. Public Comment
The guest in attendance was Jennifer Karr. No comments were offered.
7. Information Items
7.1. Superintendent
7.2. Elementary Principal
Mr. Drake reported: PreK- 26 (17 all day, 9 half day) Kindergarten - 9 Completed Events: Upcoming Events: Testing: Discussion: Calendar: Student days |
7.3. Secondary Principal
Professional Development January 2nd - Staff In-Service JH/HS Academics January 3rd - School Resumes Other: Report Cards Have Been Sent Home New Students ¦ 9th Grade Student Students Transferring ¦ 10th Grade Student JH/HS Safety Drills January Fire Drill - TBA JH/HS Sports / Activities December 22nd-26th - NSAA Moratorium Other: Prom - April 25th |
8. Consent Agenda
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8.1. Minutes
8.2. Bills/Transfers/Treasurer's Report
8.3. Acceptance/Emergency Modifications of the Agenda
8.4. Elementary Principal's Contract
8.5. High School Principal's Contract
9. Action Items
9.1. Board Committees 2025
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Each year we need to set Board Committees. Board members were urged to let Mr. Bauer know if there is a committee they do not feel comfortable serving on, that they are already an active member of.
9.2. Americanism Committee Membership and Information
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Establish the new membership. (Recommended Members: Adam Klein, Shaun Fisher, Brian Karr, and Daren Niemeyer)
The Americanism Committee's first annual meeting will occur fifteen minutes prior to the Silver Lake School Board of Education General Meeting in February with Public Testimony available at that time. |
9.3. Review of Policy 5001 (Attendance and Excessive Absenteeism)
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This policy needs to be reviewed annually. We just updated this policy in June of 2024 to meet the legislative changes. This is simply a policy that Mr. Bauer has scheduled to review annually in January so we will need to re-affirm this policy as presented.
9.4. Parent and Guardian Involvement in Educational Practice Policy (5018)
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The board must annually hold a public hearing on its Parental Involvement Policy and an annual evaluation of the Title 1 Parental Involvement policy. After the hearing the Board must either adopt the revised policy or reaffirm it as written.
9.5. Review of policy 5054 (Bullying)
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The Board must review its policy on bullying annually. The policy is up-to-date with current legislation and is in line with the guidance of our school attorneys (KSB School Law).
9.6. Parental Involvement in the Title 1 Program Policy (5057)
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The board must annually hold a public hearing on its Parental Involvement Policy and an annual evaluation of the Title 1 Parental Involvement policy. After the hearing the Board must either adopt the revised policy or reaffirm it as written.
9.7. Elementary Principal's Salary
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Mr. Drake has been offered a one-year contract. The Board of Education needs to set his salary for the 25-26 school year. Board members voted to go into executive session and then came out at 7:57 pm.
9.8. High School Principal's Salary
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Mr. Jones has been offered a one-year contract. The Board of Education needs to set his salary for the 25-26 school year. Board members voted to go into executive session and then returned to regular session at 8:05 pm.
9.9. Discuss, consider, conduct strategy session, and take action with respect to possible real estate purchase [closed session possible].
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Board members voted to go into executive session and then returned to regular session at 8:15 pm. No further action was taken.
9.10. CAD/Beginning Woods Shed Project
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The shop students have a proposal to build a storage shed that would be utilized for track/football storage during seasons.
10. Discussion/Information Items
11. Future Agenda Items
The Building Committee would like to tour the Elementary prior to the February board meeting. The Board President also requested a tour of the weight room at the next board meeting. The date of the next regular board meeting will be Wednesday, February 12th, 7 pm in Roseland with the Americanism Committee meeting at 6:45 pm.
12. Adjournment
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