January 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Monthly Meeting
Minutes | |||
1. Opening the Meeting
President Lutkemeier opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. The meeting notice was advertised in the December 28th publication of the Blue Hill Leader. "The Open Meetings Act" poster was displayed in the meeting room.
1.1. Call to Order
1.2. Pledge of Allegiance
1.3. District Mission Statement
1.4. Nebraska Open Meetings Law
1.5. Publication of the Meeting
1.6. Board Member Roll Call
1.7. Excuse Absent Board Members
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2. Election of officers
President Lutkemeier invited Superintendent Bauer to serve as chairman for this portion of the meeting.
2.1. Office of the Silver Lake Board of Education President
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Mr. Bauer opened the floor for nominations for the Office of School Board President. Shaun Fisher nominated Leon Lutkemeier. No subsequent nominations were made. Motion was made and carried to close nominations. Leon Lutkemeier will serve as School Board President for the 2024 term.
2.2. Office of the Silver Lake Board of Education Vice President
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Mr. Bauer opened the floor for nominations for the Office of School Board Vice President. Leon Lutkemeier nominated Daren Niemeyer. No subsequent nominations were made. Motion was made and carried to close nominations. Daren Niemeyer will serve as the School Board Vice-President for the 2024 term.
2.3. Office of the Silver Lake Board of Education Secretary
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Mr. Bauer opened the floor for nominations for the Office of School Board Secretary. Leon Lutkemeier nominated Allen Ehrman. No subsequent nominations were made. Motion was made and carried to close the nominations. Allen Ehrman will serve as the School Board Secretary for the 2024 term.
2.4. Office of the Silver Lake Board of Education Treasurer
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Mr. Bauer opened the floor for nominations for the Office of School Board Treasurer. Leon Lutkemeier nominated Shaun Fisher. No subsequent nominations were made. Motion was made and carried to close nominations. Shaun Fisher will serve as the School Board Treasurer for the 2024 term.
3. Approval of the Agenda
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President Lutkemeier served as Chairman for the remainder of the meeting.
4. Celebration of Excellence
5. Public Comment
Guests attending were Adam Klein and Jennifer Karr. No comments were offered.
6. Information Items
6.1. Superintendent
Mr. Bauer highlighted some of the proposed legislative bills that could affect education. He reminded board members of the upcoming NASB Legislative Issues Conference which will take place January 21-22 in Lincoln. The deadline to register is January 16th. Mr. Bauer also reported that a bid was offered from Stroman Seamless to repair gutters on the bus barn at the elementary. The bid was $1,125. The Parental Involvement Hearing will be held prior to the February meeting at 7 pm. The Americanism Committee hearing will be held at 6:45 the night of our February board meeting. Rutt's Heating and Air Conditioning are working on a bid for phase two at the Bladen site. Mr. Bauer reminded board members (A. Ehrman, Brant Karr, S. Fisher, T. Bartels and D. Niemeyer) that candidate filing started on January 5th and the incumbent filing deadline is February 15th. March 1st is the last day for non-incumbent filings. Candidates must file in Adams County. Mr. Bauer also shared that the audit is on the agenda to be approved tonight. Principal evaluations have been completed.
6.2. Elementary Principal
Mr. Drake reported on new students enrolled at the elementary. Completed events included the Elementary Concert (Dec 14th), Elementary Dance Camp (Jan. 2nd) with the performance on the 5th, Teacher In-Service covering professional boundaries, safety and MTSS (Jan. 3rd), 2nd Semester began Jan 4th, and the Webster County Spelling Bee has been rescheduled to Jan 24th. Upcoming events include the American Heart Association's fundraiser kick-off (Jan 15th), Elementary Quiz Bowl @ Red Cloud (Jan 16th), Elementary Quiz Bowl @ Kenesaw (Jan 23rd), Elem Quiz Bowl @ ESU-9 (Feb 6th), APL workshop (Drake & tenBensel) set for Feb 7 - 8th; and a Teacher Inservice (No School) will be Feb 12th. Administrative events: Jimmy Brown has been hired to work as a 1 on 1 para; will be hiring for the Title 1 position and mid-year MAP / NSCAS testing will be completed the week of January 15th. Also, the Mustang Branch student savings program has been successful and steadily grows.
6.3. Secondary Principal
Mr. Jones reported on Professional Development events: Staff Inservice (Jan 2nd), CTE Planning Day (Jan 16th), GlowForge Training Day (Jan 31st), APL Training (Feb 7 - 8th), and a Teacher Inservice at ESU-9 (Feb 12th). JH/HS Academics: NSAA Moratorium (Dec 23 - 27th), Can Food Drive Date (Jan 3rd), County Spelling Bee (Jan 24th), 7th / 8th grade NSCAS testing (Jan 11th), ASAAP (7th, 8th & 9th grades) (Jan 12th), JH/HS AR Trip (Jan 15th), 7th / 8th grade NSCAS testing (Jan 17th), ASVAB testing (Jan 24th), Local Science Fair (Jan 31st) and Chad Cargill ACT Prep (Feb 5th). Mr. Jones also reported on 2 new enrollments. January fire drill TBA. JH/HS Sports / Activities: SL Holiday Tournament (Dec 28th & 29th) - Girls BB took 1st place, Boys BB 2nd place, Youth Dance Camp (Jan 2nd), Youth Dance Performance (Jan 5th), HS Girls BB to UNL (Jan 7th), Speech Meet (Polk, NE on Jan 13th), JH Quiz Bowl @ Silver Lake (Jan 16th), FFA @ LDE's (Jan 17th), HS Quiz Bowl at Silver Lake (Jan 18th), JH Quiz Bowl @ Kenesaw (Jan 23rd), HS Quiz Bowl @ Kenesaw (Jan 25th), TVC HS BB Tournament (Jan 27th - Feb 3rd), FFA State Degrees (Feb 7th), HS Quiz Bowl @ ESU 9 (Feb 7th), Girls BB / Dance Senior Night (Feb 8th), JH Quiz Bowl @ ESU 9 (Feb 8th), HS Girls BB Districts (Feb 12th, 13th & 15th), Boys BB Senior Night (Feb 16th), State Dance (Feb 16th), National FFA Week (Feb 19th - 23rd), HS Boys BB Districts (Feb 19th, 20th & 22nd), FFA @ CDE's (Feb 21st), TVC Speech (Feb 21st), HS Girls BB Sub-State (Feb 23rd), and HS Boys BB Sub-State (Feb 24th). Mr. Jones also shared that a conversation will be happening with students regarding prom location. Also, football schedules will be released on February 7th (refs). Mr. Jones also reported on updates on the Perkins and reVISION grants. He also shared work study and job shadow updates along with job site visits.
7. Consent Agenda
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7.1. Minutes
7.2. Bills/Transfers/Treasurer's Report
7.3. Acceptance/Emergency Modifications of the Agenda
7.4. Elementary Principal's Contract
7.5. High School Principal's Contract
8. Action Items
8.1. Elementary Principal's Salary
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8.2. High School Principal's Salary
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8.3. Review of Policy 5001 (Attendance and Excessive Absenteeism)
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8.4. Review of policy 5054 (Bullying)
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8.5. Americanism Committee Information and Membership
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8.6. Board Member Committees
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Mr. Bauer informed board members of his intention to utilize board committees to a greater extent. He is encouraging more meetings from the Transportation, Building and Grounds and the Safety Committees. In addition, Shaun Fisher will be joining the Building Committee and Todd Bartels will be joining the Transportation Committee.
8.7. Approval of the Audit
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9. Discussion/Information Items
10. Future Agenda Items
The next regular Board of Education Meeting is set for February 12th, Monday following the Parental Involvement Hearing at 7 pm. Americanism Committee to meet at 6:45. The meeting room will be Rm 114. Mr. Bauer also invited board members to check out the new equipment and student projects in the HS Shop at 6:15 pm. A future item to discuss will be the concrete circle drive at the High School.
11. Adjournment
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