October 11, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Monthly Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Opening the Meeting
President Lutkemeier opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. The meeting notice was advertised in the September 28th publication of the Blue Hill Leader. "The Open Meetings Act" poster was displayed in the meeting room.
1.1. Call to Order
1.2. Pledge of Allegiance
1.3. District Mission Statement
1.4. Nebraska Open Meetings Law
1.5. Publication of the Meeting
1.6. Board Member Roll Call
1.7. Excuse Absent Board Members
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2. Approval of the Agenda
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3. Celebration of Excellence
In addition to the students previously mentioned, President Lutkemeier also recognized our FFA students serving harvest meals at the local elevators. He said it was very much appreciated.
4. Public Comment
Guests in attendance were Adam Klein, Ashley Kral and Jennifer Karr. Public comment time was used by Ashley Kral.
5. Information Items
5.1. Superintendent
Mr. Bauer reported that Superintendent Evaluations would be handed out at the end of the meeting. Board members were asked to complete and return the forms to President Lutkemeier prior to the November meeting. The Negotiations Team (Daren, Leon & Alan B.) would like to meet 30 minutes prior to the November board meeting. President Lutkemeier will ensure that the introductory meeting will take place prior to November 1st. The auditor was out on September 22nd. The district will be introducing information via Character Strong to our students in regards to healthy relationships with the adults in their lives. Mr. Bauer also reported that there has been zero "bat" related activity that has been seen or heard at the high school facility since project completion. Also, the NASB State Education Conference will take place November 15th, 16th & 17th. Gail has rooms booked.
5.2. Elementary Principal
Mr. Drake recognized and thanked staff members involved with Grandparent's Day. He also appreciated elementary students being part of the Homecoming Activities. Parent/Teacher Conferences were September 20th. 5th & 6th grade Water Jamboree was September 21st. On October 3rd, 4th graders participated in Fitness Day in Hastings. October 4th - 4th Grade students also took part in Animals Inside and Out at Webster County Fairgrounds. Upcoming events include: the end of 1st quarter (Oct 13th) with report cards going home on the 16th; No School (Teacher In-Service) on Oct 23rd; Red Ribbon Week is set for October 24 - 27th; Pancakes for Parents & FBLA Pumpkin Judging will be Oct 26th; Veteran's Day Program at the High School will be Nov. 10th and Nov. 14th will be the Elementary Quiz Bowl at SL Elementary. Also, Rebecca Jones is going to long term sub for Title 1 during the 2nd quarter and Jennifer Ells is working as a Para / Bus Monitor in the PreK room. The CIP External Review was October 4th & 5th. The NeMTSS Conference is scheduled for October 12 - 13 and the ESU-9 TLC Conference is set for October 23rd.
5.3. Secondary Principal
Mr. Jones submitted his report on recent and upcoming professional development events including the CTE Planning / Work Time (9/20), ELA Curriculum Work Time (9/25), NeMTSS (10/12 - 13), ESU 9 TLC Conference (10/23), EOP / Safety Protocol Training (10/24) and APL Training (11/29 - 30). He also stated that we received NDE's Mental Health Grant and covered events for the JH / HS Academics, including a Veterans Program on Nov 10th at 10:30 am. The JH / HS Sports / Activities included TVC Cross Country (9/28), District Cross Country (10/11), Homecoming Week with 84% of our students in attendance at the dance (9/29), TVC Volleyball to be held 10/14 - 16, Volleyball Pink Night is set for 10/17; State Football Playoffs - 10/19, State Cross Country - 10/20, Volleyball Subdistricts - 10/23 - 24, Volleyball District Finals - 10/28, and State Volleyball 11/1 - 4th. Mr. Jones also reported on recent and upcoming safety drills. College and Career Ready activities included college visits, college and career fairs, visits from college representatives and an upcoming CCC Industrial Exploration Day. FFA's events comprise Husker Harvest Days, Fall Market, EDGE Conference, Land Judging and Feed a Farmer. FBLA's events included the Fall Leadership Conference, and upcoming Food Drive, Blood Drive and Pumpkin Judging.
6. Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6.1. Minutes
6.2. Bills/Transfers/Treasurer's Report
6.3. Acceptance/Emergency Modifications of the Agenda
7. Action Items
8. Discussion/Information Items
8.1. Policy Update #4043 Professional Boundaries between Employees and Students
This is the first reading of a KSB School Board of Education Policy Update to policy #4043 (Professional boundaries between Employees and Students). Board members discussed certain aspects of the policy, the options and how they want it specified. Discussion will continue at the November board meeting.
8.2. HVAC - Elementary (Phase #2)
Board members discussed continuing the project of improving the HVAC system. Phase 1 was completed last year, which consisted of the pre-school and kindergarten classrooms. Mr. Bauer will try and secure a bid from Precision Heating for the next phase with the hopes of work being completed over Christmas break.
8.3. Emergent 3 Safety App Presentation
Board members were shown a video demonstration of the Emergent 3 Safety App. Mr. Bauer has been following the Emergent 3 company for a few years and has seen a decrease in the cost. He recommended this app due to the options included with it, particularly the mapping feature. Initial cost is around $2,500 with an annual fee of $1,500 afterwards.
9. Future Agenda Items
The next regular board of education meeting is set for 7 pm on November 14th at Silver Lake Elementary in Bladen, NE.
10. Adjournment
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The meeting adjourned at 8 pm.