October 12, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Monthly Meeting
Minutes | ||
1. Opening the Meeting
President Lutkemeier called the meeting to order at 7 pm. The meeting was advertised in the October 6th publication of the Blue Hill Leader. "The Open Meetings Act" poster was displayed in the meeting room.
1.1. Call to Order
1.2. Pledge of Allegiance
1.3. District Mission Statement
1.4. Nebraska Open Meetings Law
1.5. Publication of the Meeting
1.6. Board Member Roll Call
1.7. Excuse Absent Board Members
2. Approval of the Agenda
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3. Celebration of Excellence
See attached document.
4. Public Comment
Guests included Jennifer Karr, Paul Bade and Joan Fisher. Joan commented on the need for daycare and an after-school program. She asked board members to consider the elementary building as a possible location. Paul Bade, assistant football coach and head basketball coach, introduced himself to board members.
5. Information Items
5.1. Superintendent
Mr. Bauer reported that the Superintendent's evaluation would be done in November. The negotiations committee would like to meet 30 minutes prior to the November board meeting. The committee consists of Allen E., Daren N., Leon L., and Alan B. Leon confirmed he would be having the introductory meeting on October 21st. Mr. Bauer informed the board the auditor had been out and that repairs to the elementary gym roof were completed. The NRCSA South Central District meeting was held today. The TVC Administrator meeting will be held tomorrow. November 8th and 9th, Mr. Bauer will be at Arnold Public Schools for their school improvement external visitation. Mr. Bauer also reminded board members of the NASB State Conference on November 16th, 17th and 18th.
5.2. Elementary Principal
Mr. Drake reported that they had 93 guests attend Grandparents Day on September 16th. Parent-Teachers Conferences and Teacher In-service with ESU 9 were held on September 21st and 5th & 6th graders attended Earth Jamboree on September 22nd. 4th graders took part in Fitness Day on October 4th. Upcoming events include kindergartners attending the Pumpkin Patch on October 13th, Roseland Fire Department will be at the Elementary for Fire Prevention Week on October 14th; a 12:30 pm dismissal is set for October 17th for a teacher in-service which includes training and analysis of reading curriculum; October 24 - 28 is Red Ribbon Week; October 27th will be the Pancakes, PJ's and Parents event; and the Veteran's Day program is set for November 11th at the high school. Mr. Drake also commented that the After School Program is off and running. Tilley's are working on the sod and sprinkler system and Mr. Drake met with Ayars and Ayars and Rutts Heating and A/C concerning the HVAC system. He will also be attending the School Safety and Security Summit in Kearney on October 18th & 19th. Mr. Drake also reported on the Fall 2022 Acadience Benchmark Scores, as well as the MAP and NSCAS Growth scores.
5.3. Secondary Principal
Mr. Arntt reported that NSCAS / MAP testing has been completed. Also, juniors have completed the PSAT test. The One-Act play participants attended UNK for a play performance. FFA students handed out snack bags at the local co-ops. VB Pink Night was held. Senior group pictures were taken at Brader barn. District Cross Country will take place on October 13th. End of first quarter is October 14th. TVC Volleyball Tournament is set for October 15th and 17th. There will be a 2:30 pm dismissal for the Silver Lake Quad Invite on October 18th. Seniors will take part in County Government Day in Red Cloud on the 19th. 10th graders are set to take the Pre-ACT on October 20th. FBLA will sponsor the Red Cross Blood Drive at the high school on October 21st. Red Ribbon Week is set for October 24th - 28th. The FBLA Pumpkin Judging will be at the elementary on October 28th. A 7 - 12th grade student trip to Knee Knocker Woods is planned for that night. There is a need to replace the Air Conditioning unit that handles the east commons area. September 29th, Mr. Arntt attended the High Ability Learners workshop at ESU 9. On October 13th he will be attending the Empowering Leader Meeting sponsored by ESU 9 via Zoom. There will be a teacher in-service on October 17th from 1:00 to 4:00. (HS will be looking at data). He will also be attending the NE School Safety Summit in Kearney.
6. Consent Agenda
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6.1. Minutes
6.2. Bills/Transfers/Treasurer's Report
6.3. Acceptance/Emergency Modifications of the Agenda
7. Action Items
7.1. Resignation of Certified Staff
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Stacie Heldt has resigned from her position as 7-12 Math teacher effective at the end of the school year.
7.2. Bids to replace East AC Unit at the high school commons
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Our east AC unit has not been working for quite some time. This puts an added strain on the west unit. It is time to replace. We have secured two bids.
7.3. Rutt's Bid for elementary HVAC - Phase #1
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We need to try to start working through our HVAC issues in Bladen. I think this is the worst trouble area and it would serve us well to start with this area.
7.4. Pre-School Bus purchase
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Mr. Bauer has secured a bid for a pre-school bus with integrated seats. The bid from Nebraska/Central Equipment out of Alda is $92,595. Lead time is approximately one year.
8. Discussion/Information Items
8.1. Random Drug Testing Information
At the request of some board of education members, Mr. Bauer has done some research on student drug testing policies. He shared drug policies adopted by various schools and experiences with what did and did not work. More discussion is planned for January.
8.2. ESU 9 Board Advocacy Workshop November 2nd
9. Closed Session
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10. Future Agenda Items
Topics on the agenda for next month will include the Superintendent's evaluation and daycare. The next regular board of education meeting will be Thursday, November 10th, 7 pm, at the high school. Negotiations committee to meet 30 minutes prior.
11. Adjournment
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