December 15, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | ||
1. Call to Order
President Lutkemeier called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The meeting was advertised in the December 2nd publication of the Blue Hill Leader. "The Open Meetings Act" poster was displayed in the meeting room.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Minutes
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4.2. Bills/Transfers/Treasurer’s Report
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4.3. Acceptance/Emergency Modifications of the Agenda
4.4. Excuse Absent Board Members
5. Public Comment
Guests in attendance were Jenn tenBensel, Teresa Schmidt and Jennifer Karr. No comment was offered.
6. Old Business
7. New Business
7.1. Negotiations
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The board negotiations team and the teacher negotiations team came to an agreement on Wednesday, December 15, 2021 to increase the base by $650, and change the wording of the dental policy to read that the district shall provide the employee with EHA Dental Option #4 thus eliminating the set value in the negotiated agreement. Teachers will be placed at their new levels on the next contract. Sponsors will start where their experience lands them on the schedule.
7.2. School Board Policy Updates
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We had first reading of the policy updates last month. Attached are the policy updates board members wished to adopt as discussed.
7.3. Approval of the Audit
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The Yearly Audit has been completed and needs the Board of Education's approval. Mr. Bauer answered questions board members had about the audit.
7.4. Alicap Visit
Mr. Bauer reported that Matthew Fisher with ALICAP was out to complete our ALICAP Loss Control Consultation.
HIS SUMMARY: The Silver Lake district has done an excellent job of addressing safety concerns that were shared previously. There is an obvious commitment to making their facilities as safe as possible. Keep up the good work! Matt Fisher, NASB, ALICAP |
7.5. Possible Calendar Change
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With state basketball being all in one week, we would like to consider making the following calendar change - move the day off scheduled for Friday, March 4th to Monday, March 7th. Friday, March 4th, will be an in-session student/teacher day.
7.6. Early Retirement Incentive Resignation
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Keith Crowe has completed his Policy 4149 Application for the Silver Lake Public Schools Early Retirement Incentive Program.
Attached is his letter of resignation. Board members also discussed potential changes to the policy, (limit the number of times the incentive is offered and designation of a family member as a beneficiary) which will be discussed at a future meeting. |
7.7. Superintendents Contract
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Mr. Bauer has one year remaining on his two - year contract he signed last year. We need to set his salary for the second year of this contract, which will expire at the conclusion of the 2022-23 school year. His present salary is $115,000.
8. Reports
8.1. Superintendent
Mr. Bauer reminded board members about the filing deadlines for the 2022 election year - January 5th is the first day a candidate may file for office. February 15th is the last day incumbents can file. March 1st is the deadline for non-incumbents to file. Board members whose term is coming up are: Alan B., Brian K., Dennis T., and Leon L. Mr. Bauer is still working on the HVAC issues at the elementary. He has a meeting with Ayars and Ayars again, and is hopeful to have more options and a couple of additional bids by the January meeting. A special hearing on Parental Involvement and Title I Parental Involvement policies 5018 and 5057 will be scheduled before the January regular board meeting. Mr. Bauer also discussed the "early out" today due to high winds. Damage to the elementary gym roof was reported as well.
8.2. Elementary Principal
Mr. Arntt stated that report cards will be sent home on January 4th. There is no school from December 18, 2021 through January 3, 2022. The NSAA Moratorium is set for December 22 through 26th, 2021. The Elementary Quiz Bowl team traveled to Franklin on Wednesday, December 6th. The Elementary Music Concert will be held on December 16th at 7:00 pm. The Food Drive is currently going on. The Elementary has collected over 900 items so far. The Staff Dinner was held on Saturday, December 7th, at the Legion in Campbell. 40 staff and board members attended. All went well. Mr. Arntt attended the ESU 9 Empowering Leaders Zoom session on December 7th. Topics included NSCAS Tests.
8.3. Secondary Principal
Mr. Drake reported that 5 students will be leaving the district at the semester's end for various reasons. Participation report: JH GBB - 9; HS GBB - 21; HS BBB - 21 and Speech - 24. Completed events include: One-Act competed at TVC and Districts, Dinner Theater, TVC JH Quiz Bowl, FFA Craft Fair, State E-Sports, FFA CDE's in Kearney, 7-12 Concert, Mini-Courses, and Hearts and Hands Against Hunger. Upcoming Events are: Christmas Break - December 20th - January 3rd; Staff In-Service - January 3rd; Moratorium runs from December 22 - 26; Silver Lake Holiday Classic is set for December 29th and 30th. Mr. Drake attended the Empowering Leaders Zoom on State Testing. The Industrial Arts position has been advertised and the high school lighting project will be completed over the break. Mr. Drake also reported that the E-Sports Team of Nathan Acosta, Manuel Fontes, and Adrian Gomez won the state championship. Junior Livestock Judging team qualified for state. Savanna Junek was the top Junior Livestock judge.
8.4. Administrative
9. Presentation and Recognition of Awards
See attached.
10. Executive Session
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11. Next Meeting
The next regular Board of Education meeting is set for Tuesday, January 11th, at the high school. A special hearing to review Parental Involvement policies is set for 7 pm with the regular meeting to follow.
12. Adjournment
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