September 15, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call to Order
President Lutkemeier called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The meeting was advertised in the September 2nd, 2021 publication of the Blue Hill Leader. "The Opening Meetings Act" poster was displayed in the meeting room.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Minutes
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4.2. Bills/Transfers/Treasurer’s Report
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4.3. Acceptance/Emergency Modifications of the Agenda
4.4. Excuse Absent Board Members
5. Public Comment
Guests included Jenn tenBensel, Eric Parr and Jennifer Karr. No comment was offered at this time.
6. Old Business
7. New Business
7.1. Adoption of the 2021-22 Silver Lake School Budget
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The amounts listed below are the budgeted amounts from the 2021-2022 Budget Document;
General Fund $7,105,884.00 (includes cash reserve) Depreciation Fund $ 449,074.00 Activities Fund $ 400,000.00 School Nutrition $ 450,000.00 Bond $ 369,609.00 Special Building $898,263.00 Student Fee Fund $ 3,840.00 |
7.2. Property Tax Request Resolution
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WHEREAS, the public was given notice at least five days in advance of a Special Public Hearing called for the purpose of discussing and approving or modifying the District's Tax Requests for the 2021-22, school fiscal year for the General Fund, Bond Fund, Special Building Fund, and the Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund of Silver Lake Public Schools, School District 01-0123-000: and
WHEREAS, such Special Public Hearing was held before the Board of Education (hereinafter "the Board") of Silver Lake District 01-0123-000 (hereinafter "the District") at the time, date, and place announced in the notice published in a newspaper of general circulation, a copy of which notice and proof of publication of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, all as required by law: and, WHEREAS, the Board provided an opportunity to receive comment, information, and evidence from persons in attendance at such Special Hearing: and, Whereas, the Board, after having reviewed the District's Tax Requests for each said fund, and after public consideration of the matter, has determined that the Final Tax Requests as listed below are necessary in order to carry out the functions of the District, as determined by the Board for the 2021-22, school fiscal year. General Fund Tax Requests - $4,118,582.00 Bond Fund Tax Requests - $353,535.00 Special Building Tax Requests - $101,010.00 |
7.3. Football Declaration
Mr. Bauer reported on the decision to have Silver Lake declare to play 8-man football for the next two year cycle - - 2022-23 season and the 2023-24 season. He also provided the enrollment numbers which supports the decision.
Maximum Number to be Eligible for 6-man Playoffs - 27 3 Year Counts 21-22 Count 30 23-25 Count 27 25-27 Count 23 27-29 Count 16 Boy Enrollment Grade Enrolled Currently out for FB 11th 9 4 10th 12 8 9th 9 6 8th 9 8 7th 9 5 6th 9 5th 5 4th 6 3rd 5 2nd 8 1st 16 |
7.4. Substitute Teacher Pay
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We are often competing with Adams Central and Hastings Public to secure substitute teachers. We currently pay $120 a day. Mr. Bauer recommended an increase to $130 a day.
7.5. SLEA request to be recognized
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The Silver Lake Education Association is requesting that the Board take action to recognize them as the exclusive bargaining agent for the district's non-supervisory certificated staff for the 2023-2024 contract year. (see attachment)
7.6. Hire new night custodian Roseland Facility
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Norma Perez not coming back created an opening for a night custodian. Mr. Drake has interviewed and would like to hire Brenda Wright.
7.7. Lighting Bids for the Roseland Facility
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Lighting updates are needed at the Roseland Facility. We need to retrofit the lights to LED bulbs. The cost savings over the course of about 8 years this will pay for itself.
8. Reports
8.1. Superintendent
Mr. Bauer asked board members their preferences on the date and location of the Staff / Board holiday meal. He proposed December 4th at 5 pm for social hour and the meal to follow at 6 pm, taking place at the Campbell Legion Hall. He discussed the ESSER II funds and proposed expenditures (All of Apple computer payment for 2020 - 21 and a partial Apple payment for 2021-22). He also discussed the ESSER III funds and the proposed expenditures (Remaining 2021-22 Apple payment, LMHP, Night custodial, Reading-ELA curriculum for K-6, Social Studies curriculum for 7 - 12th grades. Mr. Bauer reported on Title 9 updates, Health Department updates, Psychological First Aid Training and Emergency Operations School Safety Team (NDE Division) November 1st and 2nd (Zoom)
8.2. Elementary Principal
Mr. Arntt reported that the elementary's total enrollment as of May 2021 was 128. Numbers for 2021-22 totaled 137. The Washington group's carnival was held on August 20th, and it went well. School pictures were taken on Wednesday, August 25th. Farm Safety Day will be held on Wednesday, September 22nd. Safety Day will be at the fairgrounds. Picture retakes will be September 29th. Acadience and MAPS testing have been completed at the elementary. Mr. Arntt reported on the Acadience Fall Scores. Parent/Teacher conferences will be held at the elementary on Wednesday, Sept. 16th from 1:00 to 7:00 pm. School will be dismissed at 12:30 pm. The 4th Grade will attend Hastings Fitness Day at the YMCA on Tuesday, October 5th. Mr. Arntt will be attending the School Law Conference on Wednesday, September 22nd. The elementary has a new student starting Monday.
8.3. Secondary Principal
Mr. Drake reported that the high school's total enrollment is at 111. MAP testing will be completed in the next 2 weeks. CTE teachers have begun working with the ESU for job shadowing opportunities. Seniors to attend Hastings High Educational planning on September 20th (College Fair). Mr. Drake reported on students participating in the various extra curricular activities. Completed events include Youth Leadership Event with Team Concepts, School Pictures and Football and Cross Country Parent's Night. Upcoming events are Parent / Teacher Conferences on September 16th, Farm Safety Day set for September 22nd, FBLA FLC will be September 28th, TVC CC at Red Cloud on September 30th, Homecoming vs Wilcox/Hildreth is set for October 8th and the End of 1st Quarter is October 8th. Mr. Drake also reported the need for 2 - 85 gallon water heaters requiring some maintenance. Mr. Drake recognized Landon Nabower who was a semi-finalist for the National Merit Scholarship.
8.4. Administrative
9. Presentation and Recognition of Awards
10. Executive Session
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11. Next Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Silver Lake Board of Education is set for Wednesday, Oct 13th, 7 pm, at the elementary school in Bladen.
12. Adjournment
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