June 16, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order - President Peccola
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Public Forum
4.1. Written Correspondence
4.2. Audience Input
5. Reports/Requests
5.1. Bank of Edwardsville Presentation to Collinsville High School Business Department
5.2. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Robert Green
5.3. Financial Report - Mrs. Uta Robison
5.4. Building & Grounds Report – Mr. Mike Hollingshead
5.5. Budget Committee Update – Mr. Ron Throm
6. Approval of Minutes
6.1. Approval of May 19, 2014 Board Minutes
7. Approval of Board Bills for June 2014
8. Monthly Financial Statements for May 2014
9. Unfinished Business
10. New Business
10.1. Approval of Prevailing Wage
10.2. Approval of AVC Tentative Budget
10.3. Approval of New Club at Collinsville High School
10.4. Approval of Resolution Authorizing Intervention on Property Tax Appeal
10.5. Approval to Finance 1:1 Initiative
10.6. Presentation of Board Policy Updates
10.7. Presentation of New Policy on Grade Acceleration
10.8. Discussion of Hiring Consultant for Facilities Study
11. Closed Session
12. Personnel
12.1. Non-Certified Employee Recommendation for Re-Employment (Ed. Assistants)
12.2. Motion to Employ Assistant Athletic Director
12.3. Recommendation for Department Chairs at Collinsville High School
12.4. Recommendation for Activity Sponsors at Collinsville High School
12.5. Recommendation for Sponsor (DIS Yearbook)
12.6. Recommendation for Appointment of Behind-The-Wheel Driver Education Teachers at Collinsville High School
12.7. Non-Certified At-Will Employees Recommendation for Re-Employment (Cafeteria Monitors)
12.8. Recommendation for Winter Coaches at Collinsville High School
12.9. Certified Employee Recommendation for Employment (Title 1 Teacher)
12.10. Coach Recommendation for Stipends (DIS Basketball)
12.11. Non-Certified Employee Resignations (Ed. Asst., Instr. Interventionist, Relief Aide)
12.12. Certified Employee Resignations (PE Teacher and Principal)
12.13. Non-Certified Employee Recommendation for Employment (Instr. Aide)
12.14. Recommendation for Coach (Boys Soccer)
12.15. Certified Employee Recommendations for Employment (Special Education & Elementary Teachers)
12.16. Resolution to Dismiss and To Authorize Notice of Honorable Dismissal (Custodian)
12.17. Non-Certified Employee Recommendations for Employment (Educ. Assistants)
12.18. Motion to Post Position (Part Time Music Teacher)
12.19. Resolution to Dismiss and to Authorize Notice of Dismissal, Hearing Rights, Charges and Bill of Particulars
12.20. Motion to Eliminate Position (Percussion Specialist)
12.21. Motion to Employ Assistant Principal (CHS)
12.22. Certified Employee Recommendations for Employment (Special Education and Math Teachers)
12.23. Motion to Post Position (Security Monitor)
12.24. Certified Employee Recommendations for Employment (Elementary Teacher)
12.25. Non-Certified Employee Recommendation for Employment (ISS Monitor)
12.26. Resolution to Dismiss and To Authorize Notice of Dismissal (Tabled)
13. Student Discipline
13.1. Student Discipline - Expulsion
14. Adjourn