October 17, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum
2. Closed/Executive Session - 6:00 PM
Section 551, Texas Government Code
2.A. Personnel-Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code
2.A.1. Discussion in regard to personnel matters
2.B. Real Property-Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code
2.B.1. Discussion of Real Estate Property
3. Open Session - 7:00 P.M.
3.A. Invocation
3.B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag
3.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
4. Recognitions
4.A. Principals
4.B. Human Resources
5. Information Reports (No Action Required)
5.A. Plano Regional Day School Program for the Deaf Shared Services Arrangements Agreements
5.B. Change date for November board meeting
5.C. Pre-K Grant
6. Public Comments
7. Future Action Items
8. Action
8.A. Consent Agenda
8.A.1. Minutes
8.A.2. Financial Reports
8.A.3. Student AUP for 2016-2017
8.A.4. Campus Improvement Plans
8.A.5. District Improvement Plan
8.B. Action Items
8.B.1. Budget Ammendments
8.B.2. Policy Update 106
8.B.3. Revised Water/Sewer Agreement with the City of Josephine
8.B.4. Tax Foreclosure Properties Resolution
9. Adjournment