April 19, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Community Participation
D. Celebrating Success
D.1. PTO/Learning Fund Foundation/Music Boosters
E. Approval of Minutes
F. Consent Agenda
F.1. Approval of Bills
F.2. Approval of School Donations
F.3. Approval of Policy Updates 2nd Reading
F.4. Approval of Employment
G. Action Item
G.1. Approval of Administrator Contracts/Salaries
G.2. Approval of Classified Staff Salary Increases
G.3. Approval of a resolution authorizing and directing the permanent transfer of money from the Operations and Maintenance Fund to the Capital Projects Fund
G.4. Approval of Payment to the Regional Office of Education for Depke Juvenile Center
G.5. Approval of the Joint Agreement for the Provision of Educational Services at the Robert W. Depke
Juvenile Justice Center |
H. Discussion Items
H.1. Preliminary Budget FY 2017
I. Information
I.1. Board Representatives Committee Update
I.2. Written Department Updates
I.2.a. Business Office
I.2.b. Facilities
I.2.c. Curriculum and Instruction, Student Services, Technology and Assessment
I.2.d. Enrollment
I.3. Superintendent's Informational Report
J. In The Press
K. Community Participation
L. Executive Session
M. Adjournment