October 16, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Public Hearing
Minutes |
1.A. Pledge - Chairman Broden
2.A. Equal Access of Students to Programs
2.A.1) Policy 331 - Indian Policies and Procedures of Independent School District 162, Ensuring Tribal and Parental Involvement in Educational Programming
2.A.2) Policy 102 - Equal Education Opportunity
2.B. Relevant Educational Program Applications, Evaluations, and Program Plans
2.B.1) Review of Title I, Part A, Title II, Part A, Title VI, Title VII - Impact Aid, AIEA Funding, and JOM
2.B.2) Copies of program applications will be on the table for review and public input. Directors will provide a brief overview of program, and discussion of revenue and expense budgets.
2.B.2)a. Title VII - Carol Vik
2.B.2)b. Title I, Part A, Title II, Part A - Lee Furuseth
2.B.2)c. Title VII - Impact Aid - Superintendent Cairns
2.B.2)d. American Indian Funding - Penni Cairns
2.B.2)e. Johnson O'Malley (JOM) - JOM Chairperson
2.C. Programs Conducted by the School District to Address Special Needs of Indian Students
2.C.1) Anishinabe Club, After School Peer Tutoring, Read 180/Math 180, Special Education Services, 504 Plan Services - Steve Cairns
2.D. School District Facilities and Needs Assessment
2.D.1) Each year, JOM/Title VI/AIEA Program Directors conduct a "Needs Assessment" at the Spring Senior Recognition Banquet in May.
2.D.2) Final Results - Carol Vik
2.E. Tribal Consultation and Dialogue
2.E.1) Data and Demographics, Indian Education Programs, Indian Student Achievement
2.F. Presentation of LIEC Resolution - Parent Committee Chairperson
2.F.1) Overview Presented
2.F.2) No action taken by School Board until November 6, 2017, regular board meeting.