May 9, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call the Meeting to Order
2. Roll Call of Board Members
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Reading of the YME Mission Statement
5. Public Address to the Board of Education
6. Consent Agenda - Action
6.1. Regular Business
6.1.1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes - April 11, 2016
6.1.2. Approval of Payment for Claims
6.1.3. Approval of Finance Report
6.1.4. Approval of Enrollment Report
6.1.5. Approval of Indian (Indigenous) Policies & Procedures (1st Reading of Required Policies)
6.1.6. Adoption of Resolution - 2016-2017 Membership with the MN State High School League
6.1.7. Approve Summer Hours - Custodial Staff - 7:00 am to 5:30 pm Monday through Thursday
6.1.8. Approve Summer Hours - District Office - 8:00 am to 4:00 pm - Monday through Thursday
6.1.9. Approve Summer Hours - Community Education/Activities Office - 8:00 am to 4:00 pm - Monday through Thursday
6.1.10. Approval of Building Bridges Field Trip - July 2016
6.2. Personnel Items
6.2.1. Approval of Employment - Kimberly Hoefer - Language Arts Instructor
6.2.2. Approval of Employment - Ashly Sneller - 5th Grade Instructor
7. Reports -
7.1. Bert Raney Elementary - Lisa Hansen, Principal
7.2. YME Middle/High School - Ryan Luft, Principal
7.3. Superintendent Report - Dr. Rick Clark
7.3.1. ECFE Annual Report
8. Written Reports Submitted
8.1. Material Events Schedule for Continuing Disclosure - Bonds
8.2. Concurrent Enrollment Update
8.3. Meeting Minutes - MSHSL Region 3A - April 2016
8.4. Meeting Minutes - Granite Falls Chamber Board - April 2016
8.5. FY17 Minnesota West Consortium Estimated Perkins Allocations
8.6. SW/WC Superintendent Meeting - April 2016
9. Old Business
9.1. Discussion - Report - County seat schools and a survey of challenges associated with schools of these locations.
9.2. Discussion - Strategic Planning - What are three strengths of ISD 2190? What are three areas in need of attention at ISD 2190?
9.2.1. Development of new district website and designate Krystal Enninga as webmaster with payment of $500 per year.
9.2.2. Discussion - Support CTE program at MnWest Campus for 2016-2017 and thereafter. (Student Option - Correspondence 11.2 as exhibit.)
9.2.3. Discussion - Transition junior high school to a middle school concept.
10. New Business
10.1. Discussion - The development of a new and improved website and designation of webmaster with payment of $500 per year.
10.2. Approval of up to 300 hours of custodial assistance at a rate of $10.00 per hour.
11. Correspondence
11.1. YME Science Fair & Showcase Event
11.2. Intro to Medical/Health Careers Course
12. Closed Session - Negotiation Strategy - MSEA Employees
13. Adjourn the Meeting
14. Upcoming Events
14.1. 2-Hour Late Start - Teacher PLC - May 19, 2016
14.2. No School - Memorial Day - May 30, 2016
14.3. Last Day of School - Early Dismissal - 1:00 pm - June 2, 2016
14.4. Commencement Exercises - Espeland Gym - 7:00 pm - June 3, 2016
14.5. Board Meeting - 6:00 pm - June 13, 2016