February 8, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call the Meeting to Order
2. Roll Call of Board Members
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Reading of the YME Mission Statement
5. Public Address to the Board of Education
6. Consent Agenda - Action
6.1. Regular Business
6.1.1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes - January 11, 2016
6.1.2. Approval of Payment for Claims
6.1.3. Approval of Finance Report
6.1.4. Approval of Enrollment Report
6.1.5. Notice of Desire to Negotiate - MSEA Employees
6.2. Personnel Items
6.2.1. Accept Resignation - Food Service Director - Valerie Wensauer
6.2.2. During the Transition between Food Service Directors
| Hourly Rate of Pay Increase of $2.25 for Kari Staab & Meagan DeKam
| Increase in Time by 3 Hours Every Other Day for Dawn Rupp & Jenna Luepke
6.2.3. Approve Employment - Dakota Language Apprentice - Autumn Cavender-Wilson
6.2.4. Approve Employment - Long-Term Substitute Instructor - MS/HS Physical Education - Ray Miller
7. Reports -
7.1. YME Middle/High School - Ryan Luft, Principal
7.1.1. Prom Proposal
7.2. Bert Raney Elementary - Lisa Hansen, Principal
8. Written Reports Submitted
8.1. YME Wellness Committee Meeting Notes - January 7, 2016
9. Old Business
9.1. Consideration of Membership in Granite Falls Chamber of Commerce.
9.2. Approval of Negotiated Agreement with the YME Administrators Association
10. New Business
10.1. Consideration of Terms of Employment for Dr. Rick Clark as Superintendent for the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 School Years
11. Correspondence
12. Adjourn the Meeting