September 8, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Reading of the YME Mission Statement
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Approval of August 11, 2014 Meeting Minutes
5. Opportunity for Citizens to Speak
6. Special Reports
6.1. MCA Assessment Report 2014 - A. Stoeckman
6.2. Worlds Best Workforce (WBWF) Plan 2014-15 - A. Stoeckman
7. Board & Committee Reports
7.1. Negotiation Committee
7.2. Finance Committee
8. Reports
8.1. Enrollment Report
8.2. Finance Report
8.3. Bert Raney Elementary Report - L. Hansen
8.4. YME MS/HS Report - R. Luft
9. Action Items
9.1. Approval of Bills for Payment
9.2. Approval of Worlds Best Workforce (WBWF) Plan - 2014-15
9.3. Designate Date for Public Meeting on Worlds Best Workforce (WBWF) Plan
9.4. Contract with MVCC for Bookkeeping & Payroll Services
9.5. Substitute Pay Rate Increase - Paraprofessionals, Custodians, Food Service Employees
9.6. Levy Certification - Payable 2015
9.7. Designate Date for Truth in Taxation Hearing
10. Personnel Items
10.1. 6th Grade Teacher - L. Paslawski
10.2. Increase in Contract Time - From 0.833 FTE to 1.0 FTE - A. Johnson
10.3. Approval of Q-Comp Council Members
10.4. Approval of Q-Comp Coordinators
10.5. Approval of Q-Comp Professional Learning Community (PLC) Facilitators
10.6. Authorize Removal of Furloughs
10.7. Approval of Supervisory/Confidential Employee Contract
10.8. Approval of Activities/Community Education Director Contract
10.9. Approval of Non-Non Employee Wage Increase
10.10. Approval of Contract with Bennett & Bennett Transportation
10.11. Resignation - Custodian - D. Koskela
10.12. Resignation - Part-Time Custodian - B. Schindele
10.13. Part-Time Custodian - J. Perez
10.14. Resignation - JH Football Coach - J. Williams
10.15. JH Football Coach - D. Baldry
10.16. Resignation - Superintendent - A. Stoeckman
10.17. Leave of Absence Request - ECFE Paraprofessional - D. Posch
11. Discussion Items
11.1. Interim Superintendent Posting
11.2. Activities/Community Ed Administrative Assistant Posting
12. Upcoming Events
12.1. Late Start - Teacher PLC - September 11, 2014 - YME School District - 10:15 am
12.2. School Board Meeting - October 13, 2014 - 6:00 pm - YME Board Room
13. Adjourn