July 8, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of June 26, 2013 Special Meeting Minutes
4. Opportunity for Citizens to Speak
5. Special Reports
5.1. MacPhail Music Program - N. Boelter
6. Board & Committee Reports
6.1. Negotiation Committee
7. Reports
7.1. Finance Report
7.2. Bert Raney Elementary Report - M. Hesch
7.3. YME MS/HS Report - M. Meihak
7.4. Superintendent Report - A. Stoeckman
8. Action Items
8.1. Approval of Bills for Payment
8.2. Approval of Transfer of Implicit Funds for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 from the OPEB Trust Fund
8.3. Adoption of Resolution to Hold Meetings on Columbus Day & Veteran's Day
8.4. Designate School Board Meeting Dates for 2013-2014
8.5. Designate School Depositories for 2013-2014
8.6. Designate Official School Newspaper for 2013-2014
8.7. Designate Legal Counsel for 2013-2014
8.8. Authorize Financial Procedures and Personnel for 2013-2014
8.9. Authorize Facsimile Use of Board Signatures for 2013-2014
8.10. Adoption of Health & Safety Policy
8.11. Approval of Health and Safety Budget for 2013-2015
8.12. Approval of Membership Renewal with MSBA 2013-2014
9. Personnel Items
9.1. Read 180 /English Instructor - A. Hoffman
9.2. English Instructor - D. Lecy
9.3. Elementary Instructor - S. Santaella
9.4. Elementary Paraprofessional - S. LeBlanc
9.5. Elementary Paraprofessional - J. Ammermann
9.6. Assistant Volleyball Coach - A. Hoffman
9.7. Assistant Football Coach - D. Baldry
9.8. Resignation - Dance Coach - T. Sturgeon
10. Discussion Items
10.1. Superintendent Evaluation
10.2. School Board Professional Development - Developing Mutual Expectations
11. Upcoming Events
11.1. MSBA 2013 Summer Seminar - August 5, 2013 - Brooklyn Park, MN
11.2. School Board Meeting - August 12, 2013 - YME Board Room - 7:00 pm
12. Adjourn