June 10, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of May 13, 2013 Meeting Minutes
4. Opportunity for Citizens to Speak
5. Special Reports
5.1. Spanish Class European Trip - S. Vetsch & Students
5.2. Success for the Future Grant - B. Bjerkeset
5.3. Spring Sports/Activities Report
6. Board Committee Reports
6.1. Finance Committee
6.2. Buildings & Grounds Committee
7. Reports
7.1. Enrollment Report
7.2. Finance Report
7.3. Bert Raney Elementary Report - M. Hesch
7.4. Middle/High School Report - M. Meihak
7.5. Superintendent Report - A. Stoeckman
8. Policy Update
8.1. Second Reading & Adoption - 600 Series Policies - Educational Programs
8.1.1. 601 - School District Curriculum & Instruction Goals
8.1.2. 603 - Curriculum Development
8.1.3. 611 - Home Schooling
8.1.4. 612.1 - Development of Parental Involvement Policies for Title I Programs
8.1.5. 613 - Graduation Requirements
8.1.6. 614 - School District Testing Plan & Procedure
8.1.7. 615 - Testing Accommodations, Modifications, & Exemptions for IEPs, Section 504 Plans, & LEP Students
8.1.8. 616 - School District System Accountability
8.1.9. 620 - Credit for Learning
8.2. Policy Removal
8.2.1. 619 - Staff Development for Standards
8.2.2. 699 - Homebound
9. Action Items
9.1. Approval of Revised FY13 Budget
9.2. Approval of Preliminary FY14 Budget
9.3. Approval of Bills for Payment
9.4. Resolution to Conduct a Referendum Revenue Authorization Election in 2013
9.5. Approval of American Indian Policies & Procedures
9.6. Accept Bid to Provide Milk & Milk Products for the 2013-2014 School Year
9.7. Accept Bid to Provide Bread & Bread Products for the 2013-2014 School Year
9.8. MREA Membership Renewal
9.9. RevTrak Fee
9.10. Acknowledgement of Donations Received during the 2012-2013 School Year
10. Personnel Items
10.1. Resignation - High School English Teacher - K. Anderson
10.2. Social Studies Teacher - R. Haakenson
10.3. Head Girls Basketball Coach - R. Haakenson
10.4. Head Volleyball Coach - S. Hinz
10.5. Assistant Girls Tennis Coach - S. Fjermstad
10.6. One Act Play Advisor - J. Iverson
10.7. Spanish - S. Vetsch
10.8. Title I - C. Michaelson
10.9. Supervisory/Confidential & Custodial Staff, Superintendent - 4-day Furlough
11. Discussion Items
11.1. Superintendent Evaluation
11.2. Board Committee Decisions
12. Closed Session
12.1. Negotiation Strategies
13. Upcoming Events
13.1. Negotiation Session - June 17, 2013 - YME Board Room - 6:30 pm
13.2. School Board Meeting - July 8, 2013 - YME Board Room - 7:00 pm
14. Adjourn