March 11, 2013 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of February 11, 2013 Meeting Minutes
4. Opportunity for Citizens to Speak
5. Special Reports
5.1. Lego League & Robotics Team - A. Hoernemann, A. Holt & Students
6. Board Committee Reports
6.1. Negotiations Committee
6.2. Policy Committee
6.3. Buildings & Grounds Committee
7. Reports
7.1. Enrollment Report
7.2. Finance Report
7.3. Bert Raney Elementary Report - M. Hesch
7.4. Middle/High School Report - M. Meihak
7.5. Superintendent Report - A. Stoeckman
8. First Reading - 400 Series Policies
8.1. 401 - Equal Employment Opportunity
8.2. 402 - Disability Nondiscrimination
8.3. 403 - Discipline, Suspension & Dismissal of School District Employees
8.4. 404 - Employment Background Checks
8.5. 405 - Veteran's Preference
8.6. 406 - Public & Private Personnel Data
8.7. 407 - Employee Right to Know
8.8. 408 - Subpoena of a School District Employee
8.9. 409 - Employee Publications, Instructional Materials, Inventions & Creations
8.10. 410 - Family Medical Leave Policy
8.11. 412 - Expense Reimbursement
8.12. 413 - Harassment & Violence
8.13. 414 - Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect and Abuse
8.14. 416 - Drug & Alcohol Testing
8.15. 417 - Chemical Use & Abuse
8.16. 419 - Tobacco Free Environment
8.17. 420 - Students & Employees with Communicable Diseases
8.18. 423 - Employee & Student Relationships
8.19. 424 - License Status
8.20. 425 - Staff Development
8.21. Removal of Policy 421 - Gifts to Employees
9. Action Items
9.1. Approval of Bills for Payment
9.2. Amendment of 2012-2013 School Calendar
9.3. Approval of 2013-2014 Integration Budget
10. Personnel Items
10.1. Part-Time BRE Title Position - C. Michaelson
10.2. Leave of Absence Request - Food Service - V. Marthaler
10.3. Long Term Substitute - Food Service - C. Kamps
10.4. JV Softball Coach - E. Gregoire
10.5. Resignation - JH Football & JH Boys Basketball Coach - B. Anderson
11. Discussion Items
11.1. Reproductive Health Meeting
11.2. Football Cooperation with RCW
12. Upcoming Events
12.1. Spring Break - No School for Students - March 28 & 29, 2013 - District
12.2. School Board Meeting - April 8, 2013 - YME Board Room - 7:00 pm
13. Adjourn