May 10, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of April 26, 2010 Second Meeting Minutes
4. Opportunity for Citizens to Speak
5. Acknowledgement of Donation Received
6. Reports
6.1. Special Reports
6.1.1. Upper Sioux Community Vice-Chair - T. Leenerts
6.1.2. New or Continuing Title VII & VIII Programs at YME - R. Bjerkeset
6.2. Finance Reports
6.2.1. Fund Balance Report
6.2.2. Enrollment Report
6.2.3. FY10 Budget and FY11 Preliminary Budget
6.3. Superintendent Report
7. Personnel Items
7.1. Termination & Nonrenewal of Probationary Teaching Contract - N. Royal
7.2. Termination & Nonrenewal of Probationary Teaching Contract - J. Swenson
7.3. Request for Reassignment - S. Hinz
7.4. Medical Leave of Absence Request, Food Service - J. Luepke
7.5. Long Term Substitute Contract, Food Service - R. Fageroos
8. Action Items
8.1. Approval of Bills for Payment
8.2. Last Day of School for the Class of 2010
8.3. 2010-2011 Resolution for Membership in the MN State High School League
8.4. Approval of EM-YME Contract
9. Discussion Items
9.1. Administrative Structure
9.2. Overdue Food Service Accounts
9.2.1. Students in Kindergarten to grade 8
9.2.2. Students in grades 9-12
9.2.3. Staff
10. Upcoming Events
10.1. Second Board Meeting on May 24 at 7:00 PM regarding Facility Bonds
10.2. MSEA Negotiations on May 17
11. Adjourn