July 13, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of June 15, 2009 Meeting Minutes
4. Opportunity for Citizens to Speak
5. Reports
5.1. Special Reports
5.1.1. E.C.H.O. Charter School Annual Report - L. Schueler
5.2. Finance Reports
5.3. Administrative Reports
5.3.1. High School Report - K. Norell
5.4. Superintendent Report
5.5. Board & Committee Reports
5.5.1. Negotiations Committee
6. Personnel Items
6.1. Elementary Art Instructor - A. Paasch
6.2. Elementary Music Instructor - B. Jahn
6.3. HS Ag Instructor - J. Swenson
6.4. HS Counselor - V. Skjefte
6.5. Health Services Coordinator - J. Berends
6.6. Resignation - Elementary Student Council Advisor - L. Richter
7. Action Items
7.1. Approval of Bills for Payment
7.2. Energy Services Group (ESG) Project Agreement Approval
7.3. MSBA Membership for 2009-2010 School Year
7.4. E.C.H.O. Charter School Contract
7.5. Administrator Salary Freeze for 2009-2010
7.6. Supervisory/Confidential Bargaining Group Salary Concession for 2009-2010
7.7. Activity Fees for 2009-2010
7.8. Accept Bread Bids for 2009-2010
7.9. Accept Milk Bids for 2009-2010
7.10. Approval of HS Student Handbook for 2009-2010
7.11. Approval of BRE Student Handbook for 2009-2010
7.12. Designate School Board Meeting Dates for 2009-2010
7.13. Resolution to Hold Meetings on Columbus Day - October 12, 2009
7.14. Designate School Depositories for 2009-2010
7.15. Authorize Financial Procedures and Personnel for 2009-2010
7.16. Authorize Facsimile Use of Board Signatures for 2009-2010
7.17. Designate Official School Newspaper for 2009-2010
7.18. Designate Legal Council for 2009-2010
7.19. Authorize Contracting with MVCC for 2009-2010
7.20. Approval of Attachment 99 Document
8. Discussion Items
8.1. Type III Vehicle Contract with Bennett & Bennett Transportation
8.2. Construction Trades House
8.3. Food Service Prices for 2009-2010 School Year
8.4. Superintendent Year End Evaluation
8.5. District Mission and Goals
8.6. Cooperative Athletic Programs
9. Upcoming Events
10. Meeting Closed for Negotiations Discussion
11. Adjourn