March 19, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call to order and establish a quorum
III. Certification of Public Notice
IV. Consent Agenda
IV.A. Minutes from February 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting
IV.B. Review monthly financial statement and payment of bills
IV.C. Approve Instructional Materials Allotment & TEKS Certification, 2018-2019
V. Comments from visitors
VI. Discussion and possible action on ESC Region 11 Board of Directors election
VII. Discussion and possible action on contract with Compliance Consortium for Random Student Drug Testing services
VIII. Discussion and possible action on Amending 2017-2018 School Calendar.
IX. Discussion and possible action on TASB Update 110 to the local policy manual
IX.A. B (Legal)--Local Governance
IX.B. BBA (Legal)--Board Members Eligibility/Qualifications
IX.C. BBB (Legal)--Board Members Elections
IX.D. BBB (Local)--Board Members Elections
IX.E. BBBA (Legal)--Elections Conducting Elections
IX.F. BBBB (Legal)--Elections Post-Election Procedures
IX.G. BBBC (Legal)--Elections Campaign Finance
IX.H. BBBD (Legal)--Elections Campaign Ethics
IX.I. BBC (Legal)--Board Members Vacancies and Removal from Office
IX.J. CCA (Legal)--Local Revenue Sources Bond Issues
IX.K. CPAB (Legal)--Office Communications Mail and Delivery
X. Discussion, review, and update on School Safety/Guardian Program
XI. Communications and Reports
XI.A. Enrollment & Attendance - Gilbert
XI.B. Elementary - Longley
XI.C. Secondary - Henry
XI.D. Athletics- Mann
XI.E. Personnel/Resignation(s) - Gilbert
XI.F. Bad Weather Closure - Gilbert
XI.G. Team of Eight Training - Gilbert
XI.H. SLI Training: June 14-16 (San Antonio) or June 28-30 (Fort Worth) - Gilbert
XI.I. Staff Development/Ruby Payne review - Gilbert
XII. Closed Session: Personnel (Certified Agenda on File)
XII.A. Discuss restructuring of staff for 2018-2019 school year
XIII. Action on items discussed in Closed Session
XIV. Adjourn