November 14, 2022 at 5:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
I. Call the Meeting to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.
I.a. Pledge of Allegiance
I.b. Announce Open Meetings Act Posting and Location - Posted at Wayne Community Schools, Published in the Wayne Herald (11/10/2022), and online:
I.c. Action on Absence and Roll Call
I.d. Approval of Agenda - The Board may enter Closed Session to discuss any matter for which Executive Session is lawful and appropriate.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
I.e. Consent Agenda - Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action on Minutes of Previous Meetings and Financial Claims
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
I.e.I. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings
I.e.II. Approval of Financial Reports and Claims
I.f. Personnel
I.f.I. Resignation - Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action on Resignation
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved the resignation of Mrs. Theresa Hypse, effective at the end of the 2022-23 contract year.
II. Communications from the Public (Policy 8346) and Requested Presentations
II.a. Lori Olson - Dana Cole - Audit Presentation
Lori Olson, Dana F. Cole and Company auditor, joined the meeting via zoom. She highlighted some points from the 2021-2022 audit. This is the fourth year Dana F. Cole has done the audit for Wayne Community Schools.
II.b. Community Facility Committee Update
Mrs. Becky Barner and Mrs. Kirby Hall gave the Board an update on the progress of the Community Facility meeting. The group will meet again November 28, 2022, to continue discussion.
II.c. Steve Thiele - Hausmann Construction
Mr. Steve Thiele, Hausmann Construction, introduced himself to the Board and discussed their participation in the Community Facility Meetings.
II.d. Cap Peterson - Northeast Nebraska Insurance
Mr. Cap Peterson, Northeast Nebraska Insurance Company, discussed the property and casualty insurance quotes for 2022-2023. He presented two options with varying deductibles.
III. Action Items
III.a. Old Business
III.a.I. Second Reading of Policy 5003 - Assignment of Students - Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action on Second Reading of Policy 5003
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved the Second Reading of Policy 5003 - Assignment of Students.
III.a.II. Second Reading of Policy 5208 - High School Credit for Junior High Courses - Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action on Second Reading of Policy 5208
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved the Second Reading of Policy 5208 - High School Credit for Junior High Courses.
III.b. New Business
III.b.I. Property and Casualty Quote - Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action on Property and Casualty Quote
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved the quote from Northeast Nebraska Insurance for property and casualty insurance with the $25,000 deductible.
III.b.II. 2021-22 WCS Audit and Financial Statements - Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action on 2021-22 WCS Audit and Financial Statements
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board received the 2021-2022 audit from Dana F. Cole and Company.
III.b.III. First Reading of Policy 5402 - Child Abuse and Neglect - Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action on First Reading of Policy 5402 - Child Abuse and Neglect
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved the First Reading of Policy 5402 - Child Abuse and Neglect.
III.b.IV. First Reading - Eliminate Policy 5505 - Safe Pupil Transportation Plan - Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action on First Reading - Eliminate Policy 5505
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved the First Reading to eliminate Policy 5505 - Safe Pupil Transportation Plan.
III.b.V. Administrative Regulation 5502 - Bus Route Pick Up Points - Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action on Administrative Regulation 5502
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board received the updated version of Administrative Regulation 5502 - Bus Route Pick Up Points. The words "just west of the Girls Scout Cabin" were removed from the policy.
III.b.VI. NESHAP Notification of Demolition and Renovation Form - Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action on NESHAP Notification of Demolition and Renovation Form
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved to provide Dr. Lenihan authority to sign the NESHAP (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants) Notification of Demolition and Renovation Form. This form is needed before demolition of District 83 can take place. There was no asbestos found in the school building.
III.b.VII. First Reading Policy 3520 - Transportation - Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action on the First Reading of Policy 3520 - Transportation
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved the First Reading of Policy 3520 - Transportaion.
IV. Administration and Board Committee Reports:
IV.a. Administration - Written reports were provided by Administration. Copies of their reports are available at the District Office upon request.
IV.a.I. Superintendent
IV.a.I.1. Option enrollment update
Dr. Lenihan gave an Option Enrollment update to the Board.
IV.a.I.2. BCBS Insurance rates
Dr. Lenihan presented the Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance premiums to the Board. He stated the Negotiations Committee and WEA will be given the premium sheet as well.
IV.a.II. High School Principal
Mr. Hight discussed how the Future Up Day and Junior Job Shadow Day went. There were activities for every grade level in the Jr/Sr High School
IV.a.III. Special Education/Early Learning Center Director
Mrs. Beair explained the district MAP data from the fall. Mrs. Beair was asked to serve on the State Assessment and Accountability Advisory Committee.
IV.a.IV. Elementary Principal
Mr. Plager attended the MTSS Conference and the Tri-State Law Conference.
IV.a.V. Junior High Principal/Activities Director
Dr. Lenihan presented Mr. Wragge's report. He stated that winter sports practices have begun.
IV.b. Board Committees
IV.b.I. Foundation and Community Relations - Justin Davis, Jaime Manz, Sylvia Ruhl, Dave Wragge, Mark Lenihan
Mrs. Manz reported that the Foundation is in the process of looking for a new Foundation Director.
IV.b.II. Curriculum and Committee on American Civics - Jaime Manz, Jeryl Nelson, Sylvia Ruhl, Mark Lenihan, Misty Beair
No report.
IV.b.III. Facility/Safety/Finance - Justin Davis, Lynn Junck, Jeryl Nelson, Mark Lenihan Russ Plager, Jordan Widner, Mary Jean Roberson
Mr. Widner gave an update on the replacement of the HVAC units at the Elementary. Due to delivery times and weather temperatures, the project will begin in the spring. The Elementary gym bleachers will be installed before Christmas break.
IV.b.IV. Policy/Title IX - Jaime Manz, Jeryl Nelson, Jodi Pulfer, Mark Lenihan, Tucker Hight, Russ Plager
Dr. Nelson would like the Board to discuss Policy 6240 - Homework and Policy 6241 - Purpose of Homework at the December Board Meeting.
IV.b.V. Negotiations - Justin Davis, Lynn Junck, Jodi Pulfer, Mark Lenihan
The Negotiations Committee has begun meeting with the teachers. The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 22, 2022.
IV.b.VI. Legislative - Lynn Junck, Jodi Pulfer, Sylvia Ruhl, Mark Lenihan
No report.
V. Boardsmanship
V.a. November Honor Recognition Recipients
The Girls Golf District Championship team, National Honor Society members, individual Cross Country medalists, and the Girls Cross Country Championship team were awarded Honor Recognition certificates for the month of November.
V.b. Board Review of Policies 6000-6300
VI. Future Agenda Items:
*Second Reading of Policy 3520 *Second Reading of Policy 5402 *Second Reading of Admin Reg 5502 *Superintendent Evaluation *Superintendent Contract *ESU Contract Intentions *Safe Return to Learn Update *Board Retreat - November 30th 5-7 PM at Wayne St. College Student Center - Goldenrod Room
Additional Future Agenda Items include: Second Reading - Eliminate Policy 5505 - Safe Pupil Transportation Plan, Board Review of Policies 6400-6920, and insurance premium comparisons
VII. Adjournment
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:36 p.m. The next regular Board Meeting will be Monday, December 12, 2022, in the Jr/Sr High School Library.