October 24, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Board Recognition
3. Public Comment/Audience Participation
4. Superintendent Reports and Board Information
4.A. Teaching and Learning
4.A.1. Collaborative Team Cycle: 4th grade Goodwin Frazier Elementary
Kerry Gain
4.A.2. District Improvement Plan/Campus Improvement Plans - 1st Reading
Kerry Gain
4.B. Systems and Structures
4.B.1. Active RFPs and CSB:
Catherine Janda
4.B.2. Review of Board Policy: BQA (Local): 2nd reading
Kerry Gain/Armando Maese
5. Consider and Possible Approval of Consent Agenda
5.A. Board Meeting Minutes
5.B. Financial Statement and Expenditures
5.C. Monthly Tax Report
5.D. Consider and Possible Approval of Budget Amendment
5.E. Donation from Kinder Ranch Elementary School PTSA
5.G. RFQ 17-37: Teacher Tablet Refresh
5.H. Prevailing Wage Rate Adoption
5.I. Approved Capital Projects: Closeout Payments
6. Action Items
6.A. Consider and Possible Approval of Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for 2016-2017
David Andersen
6.B. Consider and Possible Approval of Board Policies FFAA (Local) and FFAC (Local)
Armando Maese
6.C. Consider and Possible Approval of RFQ 17-34: CMAR for High School #5
Catherine Janda
6.D. Consideration and Approval of an Order by the Board of Trustees of the Comal Independent School District Authorizing the Issuance of the "Comal Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2017"; Levying a Continuing Direct Annual Ad Valorem Tax for the Payment of the Bonds; Prescribing the Form, Terms, Conditions, and Resolving Other Matters Incident and Related to the Issuance, Sale, and Deliver of the Bonds, Including the Approval and Distribution of an Official Statement Pertaining Thereto; Authorizing the Execution of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, an Escrow Deposit Letter, and a Purchase Contract; Complying with the Letter of Representations on File with the Depository Trust Company; Delegating the Authority to Certain Members of the Board of Trustees and District Staff to Execute Certain Documents Relating to the Sale of the Bonds; and Providing and Effective Date
David Andersen
7. Closed Session Pursuant to Sections 551.071 thru 551.074 of the Texas Government Code
7.A. Pursuant to 551.071 and 551.074, consider and discuss personnel employments, appointments, assignment, or promotion of personnel; and resignations and retirements;
7.B. Pursuant to 551.072, discuss the purchase, exchange, sale, lease or value of real property including deliberation declaring as surplus and seeking offers on a parcel of land containing approximately 103 acres located in the Hubertus Road area, Comal County, Texas; deliberation declaring as surplus and seeking offers on a parcel of land containing approximately 25.13 acres located in the FM 2252 area, Comal County, Texas
7.C. Pursuant to 551.071, consultation with attorney regarding TEC complaint
8. Action Items
8.A. Consider and Take Action on Contractual Personnel as Recommended by the Superintendent: Employment, Appointment, Assignment, or Promotion of Personnel; and Resignations and Retirements
8.B. Consider and Take Action on Surplus Declaration
Mike McCullar
8.C. Consider and Take action on Surplus Declaration
Mike McCullar
9. Announcements